Reviews for Lion Guard Adventures: Rise of Evil
Z chapter 10 . 9h
Glad Rafiki and Makini are safe!
18Andrew chapter 10 . 10h
Great chapter! Happy you got back into this.
BIWMEFGCJJLAJFCA chapter 10 . 7/31
Rafiki and Makini meet a lot to Nyota and it’s so sweet!
Have you decided on Royal Mjuzi for Kion and Nyota’s future kingdom yet or we just have to wait and see won’t we?
Will it be a female or male Royal Mjuzi?
BIWMDEFGCJJLCA chapter 10 . 7/30
Totally love the chapter! Can't stop looking at this story!
The Lion Guard is my NUMBER ONE Favorite!
Kagz419 chapter 10 . 7/30
I was so excited when I saw an update I can't wait to read more!
johannvanguard chapter 10 . 7/30
After stopping the fire caused by dry lightning, it's nice the Lion Guard met Chama, Mzaha, and Furaha. Nyota being kind to them and trying to get them back to their herds was nice. I'm glad Nyota was grateful to them when they helped save Rafiki and Makini from the fire. For the next chapter, I wonder how Nyota will react to Scar's plan.
Derick Lindsey chapter 10 . 7/29
Hey welcome back damn it's been a while since I've seen this get updated a whole lot has happened since then *cough Covid-19 cough*, oh so Bunga with the mistletoe was just him being unintentionally helpful with the Kion/Nyota ship tease although if he wasn't oblivious to it I know he would probably either A. heckle them about being boyfriend and girlfriend or B. be jealous thinking Nyota is taking his spot as Kion's best friend. Not much to talk about in this one since Scar's not in it although I headcanon that he played some kind of role with having dry lightning strike the Pridelands and starting a fire in it. Next up will be another appearance of Jasiri and the start of Janja having some feelings for her (I wonder if Nyota will pick up on it or not) and like I said welcome back and take the time you need for the rest of this season especially with what's been going on lately.
timothydaleharris chapter 10 . 7/29
I understand, and I'm really enjoying your stories here, keep up the good work.
FirePheonix11 chapter 10 . 7/29
Yay, it's back! Woohoo!

Either way, this chapter was the sweetest thing I've read all week! I loved it so much! I especially loved all the Nyota and Ono friendship moments. I really love how you wrote about their friendship. They do have a really special bond, and I can't wait to see more of their friendship moments.

And I not to mention the "family is irreplaceable" scene. I almost started crying myself. I really, really love how Nyota, Rafiki, and Makini are all one happy family. I also loved the part where Ono and Kion were both comforting Nyota after she realized that Rafiki's tree was on fire with them possibly in it.

I loved how this chapter focused on the familial/friendship moments between Nyota/Makini/Rafiki and also between Chama/Mzaha/Furaha.

Can't wait till next time,
738 chapter 10 . 7/29
Great to have you back!

Glad you like the idea Kion and Nyota's future kingdom.

Here's a thought of a song I thought you want add to the story and maybe if wanted to put in to what chapter and season. Listen to it on Youtube it's called "Ukuthula". I think you might like or love it. I mean to tell you the truth it's African music. It's would be great to have it in the Lion Guard story of what ever season you put it in.

List of Questions to be asked and you to answer with honestly:
01) What happen to the DevianArt Picture of Askari and Masika, you know Kion and Nyota's future cubs?
02) Will it come back?
03) Was there something wrong with it?
04) How far will it get for Fuli, Beshte, Ono and Bunga to know about Kion and Nyota being romantic to one another?
05) Have you still thought about the protectors' name for the kingdom Bahram of the Backlands?
06) How did you and your family been holding out on the virus, safe I hope?
07) Have you decided if Kion should have a romantic rival over Nyota?
08) If Vitani's Lion Guard is not going to be in the season 3, who will be protecting the Pride-Lands while Kion's Lion Guard are the Tree of Life?
09) Will we meet Askari's mate from the first Lion Guard?
10) What will the Back-Landers be like?
11) Will there be any love-interest for Beshte and Ono and maybe Anga?
12) You will be in touch right?

Thank you for updating and welcome back my friend!
Fanficteller chapter 10 . 7/29
Warmly welcome back! Been missing this story. And I'm looking forward for the next episode.
Demongirl123 chapter 10 . 7/28
WooWee, it's so good to see this series return! Gotta say, I actually liked the little moment when you split up the characters into groups of two with the best friends being together to bring the animals back to their herds. I really wish Fuli and Besthe had more moments together like Kion/Bunga and Nyota/Ono. Also, I loved how Kion reassured Nya Rafiki and Makini were going to be OK and speaking of, love her little speech about her mandrill family. Hope to see Chama, Mzaha, and Furaha again someday. Can't wait for more!
Shane Hedin chapter 10 . 7/28
I have more questions but first thanks for letting me know how to create an account but I have to talk to my parents first and second glad you are back I now understand that you took a break from this now for the questions one let me guess the mate for shaba is vitani two can u do a tribute to Robert Guillaume the original voice for rafiki three what r u going to do for vitanis lion guard four is janja and jasiri going to get together or something five well it's kinda an idea in the second to last episode of season 3 when janja and jasiri tell the guard about zira instead how about they tell them about the fire that Kiara got caught in when kovu saved her and six when nyota and fuli goes to find tuliza for kion and met azaad is nyota going to tease fuli about him follow up question how r u doing with covid19
JDJPJST chapter 10 . 7/28
Thank you so much! I have looking forward to this forever! I can't wait for more great to have you back and all!

grapejuice101 chapter 10 . 7/28
welcome back! I love this chap and I soooo cant wait for the next chap
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