Reviews for A New World to be Saved
enderchem.oss.jr chapter 6 . 7/8
Incredible job so far, you made a awesome job with that tangent to bring these 2 worlds together, also the OF itself is really cute but also cunning
Keep up the awesome work!
vigakh11 chapter 6 . 7/8
simply amazing. plz don't drop this
f.rahman1302 chapter 6 . 6/17
NExt chap
Masquer Q chapter 6 . 6/7
Had a feeling Zelretch's lie was about Mash. Good writing. I absolutely love it!
Gx chapter 6 . 6/4
Have her summon the old man of the mountain founder to deal with this. I can just imagine her family feeling out when they meet the incarnation of death who the little cinnamon bun of the family calls granmps.
I can imagine the founder scaring away riser when the little Turkey tries anything to his masters sister.
larmmason chapter 5 . 6/4
awaa, I didn't know that you had made a chapter after chapter 4
really thank you! now I got to read Ritsuka-chan's story again awwww
Traveler chapter 6 . 5/31
The work is beautiful, please continue.
Azhure Raven chapter 6 . 5/30
You know, I could've sworn there's a part where the Gremorys considered chugging a devil piece on Ritsuka and it didn't work. Where was it? Did you removed it or something?
Dasgun chapter 6 . 5/22
Cookies chapter 6 . 5/13
That last part though... o-o
Gadget boy chapter 6 . 5/14
It's really nice to see how much Ritsuka is loved in the household despite her being a human among Devils. Really excited when it's time for Mash to return for her master. If I'm not mistaken at least.

I hope we get some more updates as I'm really pumped how the timeline is going to change on key points of the anime.
AsuraYuki chapter 6 . 5/14
gotta use avalon and become invinciable
FawkesPheonix chapter 6 . 5/14
Love it can’t wait for more!
daggercloak000 chapter 6 . 5/14
Oh my this suspend killing me... Please update soon
daggercloak000 chapter 5 . 5/14
Nice ritsuka... Please update soon
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