Reviews for A Farewell or a new Beginning
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Okay, I really liked this! I felt that these two were on pretty even ground here. Most of your pieces here focus on Dagran getting vindicated for the things he does, but this was a more somber piece where both characters were on even footing, each admitting wrongs and moving on. It felt like a very mature piece to write, and I feel like that's more your journey as a writer than just the topic. You've improved so much over the years :)
TheNightsWithSalem chapter 1 . 12/2/2019
Nice story as always! I like the mention that Dagran and Zoran have reconnected. Zoran is a good character, so it's always good to see him around.
I didn't know that the planet too revolted against Zael. I never played Terra Battle (I'm waiting for the console version), only read the plot on the net, so I missed that detail.

One more thing. You say that this is the FIRST piece which takes the continued story within Terra Battle into consideration... so we can assume that there will be others in the future?