Reviews for Waterworld
crocodilesmile55 chapter 6 . 6/30
Great chapter.
WhyIsThePuppetSticky chapter 1 . 5/11
This is amazing! Keep up the amazing work. It's been awhile since I've seen a well-made subnautica story.
crocodilesmile55 chapter 5 . 4/3
Cant wait for more to come.
crocodilesmile55 chapter 4 . 3/2
Can't wait for the next chapter keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/16
peeper leviathan chapter 4 . 2/16
Okay so maybe I'm a bit late to this fanfic (last update was last month) but overall this is a pretty good story. Sure, it's just a recap of the gameplay... but I just beat the game and there's no way I'm ready to let go of it now. I want to know how your version of Ryley reacts to scariness of the depths of the adorableness of the cuddlefish. I was a scaredy-cat player with thalassaphobia, so I didn't really go anywhere I didn't have to. (A.K.A the dunes or the northern blood kelp forest) I also hope that your character finds the purple tablet that is on the Mountain Island and that he meets some other scary bois
Stativefawn72 chapter 2 . 11/6/2019
I laughed out loud at the hair gel. Infinitely more useful than the PRAWN blueprint...right? I'm still heavily enjoying this story, and it really didn't take as long as I thought it would to acclimate to the unique perspective, hell, I've even started to enjoy it. It allows for large and rather uninteresting portions of the game to be surmised in a quick fashion, while still conveying Riley's own thoughts on the occurrences of that day's events on a more personal level.

The Reaper is going to be the least of Riley's problems by the end of his journey (even though the Reapers still scare me more than any of the other leviathans), and I'm sure he's not going to particularly like what he finds when he finally gets around to reading the ship's black box data...
Stativefawn72 chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
...Wow. In the absence of recent Subnautica stories, I was worried that the game had completely fallen out of the writing community's interest, which saddened me as I consider this game as having an insane amount of story potential that people commonly gloss over. I'm ecstatic however to see that not only is there a new story, but it's written by someone who clearly has a lot of writing experience, and who so far has taken great care in the background story of the game for them to expand upon! I thoroughly enjoyed every second of reading this. The format is...different to be sure, and one that I'll have to get used to, but still great regardless.

Considering the implications of the author's note at the end, is it fair to assume that there's not going to be any major updates to this story this year? If so that's fine, I'd never rush anyone to finish a story, as that never ends well. Take all the time you need to get back into the swing of things, I'll be patiently waiting for the second chapter, and hoping that it's even a FRACTION as good as this one was! You've deserved the follow for both this story and you as an author :)