Reviews for A Sentinel Unliving and Undying
Model Builder chapter 3 . 2/14
The entire idea of the ghosts of historical people interacting with the contemporary living has been done plenty of times, before. But as far as I can tell, this has to be one of the first times, (if not THE first time,) where ghosts from various, historical eras got together to compare notes with each other, as well as with those still among the living.

I like that comment about "post-mortem Happy Endings . . . ."
Model Builder chapter 2 . 12/21/2019
This chapter was a delight to read, from the opening line quoting Jason Blood, to the description of Lady Jane, and why she'd feel right at home in Storybrooke, at the end. Though this story has little in the way of action and suspense, it more than makes up for it with character interaction and shout-outs of historical interest. (I knew who Guy Fawkes was, but I did not know THAT about him . . . .)

Something tells me that I'll be looking plenty up over the next few hours, but only because my interest has been piqued!
Model Builder chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
Though I am familiar with some of the names mentioned from English History, (mainly King Henry VIII and his unfortunate wife, Anne Boleyn,) I'll have to Google the rest. That said, I was able to follow the story and dialogue so far, and I'm most anxious to see where you will be taking it.