Reviews for Metallic Outbreak
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
* alarm goes off*
Computer voice: Attention everyone we got reports of Shadow fever sneeze being detected. Now initiating lockdown sequence. All units into retreat immediately. This is not a drill! Repeat this is not a drill!
Eggman: N-no! Not shadow fever!
Sonic: Quick! Everyone in retreat!
Mario: whoa!
SincerelyScarlet chapter 1 . 4/22
I read this fic fandom blind, but I really enjoyed it! You really brought the world to life for me, and I was able to understand the gist of it even though I don’t know the characters too well. It’s an intriguing concept too- I don’t know if it’s actually canon, because again I don’t know the fandom, but it was very fun and interesting to read!