Reviews for a witch in the shadows
Readandenjoy1 chapter 3 . 4/11
Hope you update soon)))
PotterFanatic17 chapter 3 . 4/10
I really hope you continue this story! I really love seeing Ginny’s point of view during her second year.
Emeralds and Rubies chapter 3 . 1/3
I’m so excited for this story. You write young Ginny so well. I particularly enjoyed her moment with Arthur in the shed—a side of both of them I’ve never seen depicted so well in fanfiction before. Eagerly looking forward to more!
mysuvone chapter 3 . 12/8/2019
i am liking this please please keep going.
mysuvone chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
Mindwalker25 chapter 3 . 11/27/2019
I enjoyed the first 3 chapters and I am looking forward to the continuation of this fic :)
jcampbellohten chapter 3 . 11/17/2019
Hoo, dear. I guess there had to be some mechanic to "she kept pouring her heart out to me and I got stronger by leeching off her," but it's much more unsettling to read it happening. I like how Tom can present his childhood experiences in a way as to be consoling for Ginny, at least so far. I also like that there's a red flag raised for his psychopathy in this memory for anyone sufficiently detached to see, which Ginny isn't, and the hint at his brainwashing of her. I'm unsure whether there's a magical element to it or it's entirely psychological.

Obviously there's a lot of slowly paced development to get out of the way given there's a limited time frame for Tom to teach Ginny anything, so I'm curious how you'll handle that. At the risk of supporting spreading your attention too thin among various stories, I look forward to more of this as well as I do your other works.
jcampbellohten chapter 1 . 11/17/2019
OOoooh! I like this already!
nanaeleanor chapter 3 . 11/10/2019
Very intriguing. I haven’t read any stories that really go into depth on Ginnys unfortunate relationship with Tom. Poor Ginny. Too young to see the wrongness. And all the boys who should’ve been looking out for her. It’s a good start to this tale.
marinka chapter 3 . 11/9/2019
There is not enough written about Ginny and the diary, and since the books are written from Harry’s prospective the whole issue of effect it had on Ginny is almost glossed over. I like your take on it and that she is taught by Tom, i do see her as someone who would have strong magical force but also knowing things that nobody else would about Tom.
Stephanie O chapter 3 . 11/6/2019
Was diary-Tom literally pulling on her heartstrings? Darn, I really hoped she'd go down to visit with Hagrid more often instead of less.
Stephanie O chapter 2 . 11/6/2019
I'm sorry to hear Ginny had a lousy, lonely ride to school, both on the Express and on the boat. I wonder if that spell Tom had her do put her soul into the diary? Gosh I hope not.
Stephanie O chapter 1 . 11/6/2019
Oh boy, such a pity Ginny didn't mention the journal to her dad, so much trouble could've been averted! I loved the time she had with her dad in his shed!