Reviews for I Can't Help Falling in Love With You
Adrienette123 chapter 14 . 7/24
I loved the story!
Adrienette123 chapter 12 . 7/22
A biiiiiiit of a weird emotion, but... Okay?
Adrienette123 chapter 11 . 7/22
Adrienette123 chapter 9 . 7/22
Adrienette123 chapter 8 . 7/22
It was quite a good chapter, although you didn't ave to repeat the same procedure for all of the heroes, just summarise it!
Adrienette123 chapter 4 . 7/22
Adrienette123 chapter 3 . 7/22
I am loving this story!
JuliaFC chapter 14 . 7/22
The cheesy littke mon- I mean cat... he knew very well what he was going to do... making Adrien go yo Marinette without an explanation was a bit cruel!
mayuralover chapter 13 . 7/21
Looks like Marinette might have to do some stuff to heal Plagg. Thanks for the chapter!
mayuralover chapter 12 . 7/21
So close to getting caught, phew! Thanks for the chapter!
Found a mistake near the end, by the way. "Then he slowly closed it." "He" should be "she."
JuliaFC chapter 12 . 7/20
Uh taking too many risks Ladybug! Byvthe way: if the akuma was still out, how ciukd Gabriel be around? I've never seen him drop his transformation in the middke of an akuma attack. Can the akuma still be around if he detransforms? I know that in chat blanc hawkmoth was dead and Adrien didn’t returm normal, but i don't know... it seems strange that he could drop his transformation without the akuma being affected! Itvmay be just me...
JuliaFC chapter 11 . 3/27
I like this turn of events. Your description of Adrian and your grasp of his personality is excellent:) keep writing, I'll wait for your next update!

Ps: sorry if sometimes my reviews don't make sense. I
My phone corrects stuff it shouldn't correct and places ads in front of the review window while I write so I can't read it again and correct. So annoying...
mayuralover chapter 11 . 3/27
Uh oh looks like troubles are afoot! Nice chapter!
JuliaFC chapter 10 . 3/26
What can I say... it's years that I didn't come to (so long that my account I had years ago was cancelled) and it's tears that I didn't have the time or the willingness to read a fanfiction. But recently my little boy got obsessed with Miraculous and I found myself out of a gaze made of peppa pig and paw patrol... my brain working again and I realised how much I missed a cartoon with a decent story, decent characters, mystery, fun... and how much I missed fantasizing on it. So I came back here looking for stories dedicated to my favourite red bug and kitty. Many stories didn't catch my eye, badly written, too rushed, full of characters I didn't know even if I watched all 3 seasons... but yours did. You're a good writer. Not all your choices I approve of, but it's not my story, so it doesn't matter. You're good at capturing the characters and their personalities and you have a well thought plot line. Maybe one day, when my kids will give me a break, I will have the time to write the story that is whizzing in my head, but until then (and beyond) I will follow yours. Keep writing :)
calerose chapter 10 . 3/25
Just catching up! So good! I liked that she was brave enough to go out there to the shoot! Good for her. I do worry what Chat will say when he finds out she has shared her identity with others before him, though.
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