Reviews for These scars
MommaGrey4113 chapter 4 . 7/11
Ooooo! I am loving this! Please add another chapter soon! I've read most of your Fifty Shades stories and I love all of them, but right at this moment I'm hooked on These Scars! Please, please, please update it again soon!?

I have to say that I was surprised when I read in your bio that English is not your native language! I read a lot of fanfiction, and some of it has been really difficult to get thru because of grammatical errors or poor translation. But your writing is very good for an ESL person. As I said, I was surprised - pleasently surprised. So keep up the fantastic work and please update this story soon!

vickiel2r chapter 4 . 7/6
So just friends now yet they feel more for each other. Take it slow but hope not too slow. Thank you!
vickiel2r chapter 3 . 7/6
How can both of them deny what has become obvious for both of them. They cannot for they would be turning off their emotions.
ncbwater chapter 4 . 6/15
Can't wait to get into this one!
vamomoftwins chapter 4 . 6/14
Awww can’t wait for them to admit their feelings to each other
vamomoftwins chapter 3 . 6/14
vamomoftwins chapter 2 . 6/14
Dang it, so close
motherbeatrice chapter 4 . 6/11
oh my...who will give in first?
love it!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/11
These two are to cute. Ana thinks Christain has no feelings except friendship. I think Christain feels the same. Maybe they need to be locked into a room until they figure their feelings out. Can't wait for more
Guest chapter 3 . 6/11
Sometimes the person who is your friend is more. Ana does not see Christain scars. Sge sees Christain as a friend and maybe a lover. I hope.
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 2 . 6/11
Damn whoever thst is their timing sucks. But I think if Ana and Christain feel something they can wait till he is sober.. Thank you
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 1 . 6/11
Good chapter. Poor Christain in love with Kate who isn't in love with him. Kate and Jack deserve each other. Christain was hurt in a fire it didn't change the person he is. Thank you
Sophiedog22 chapter 4 . 6/10
Great chapter keep them coming
Guest chapter 4 . 6/10
Thank you .
emi17 chapter 4 . 6/11
Awww, so sweet. Hopefully they will confess their love to each other soon.
Kate’s loss...she seemed to not really of been in love with him.
More more please
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