Reviews for Great Lakes & Expectations
Guest chapter 40 . 7/12
Oh man, I'm loving this so much Im sleep deprived. I was a bit wary at the start with the Japanese and weird Jiraiya stuff but I'm glad I stuck around. I was literally seething when the clan heads held the meeting, and I'm honestly so annoyed at Shikaku the lazy bug- probably because he's one of my favourites- and sweet Chouza just trying to do the right thing. I'm so vibing with Rejina, I'm glad she has her priorities straight- build yourself a castle, yes please. Literally the first thing I would do. Kakashi is a gem, and is written so well- people tend to make him overly angsty and aggressive, but the real Kakashi is passive aggressive, a full on troll and crippling socially inept. I love the accuracy. Gai is an angel and should be protected from all things sad. Older brother Sasuke is adorable, and Rejina is a badass- honestly the best role model. Can't wait to see her interactions with the Konoha twelve- also waiting for some kind of apology from those uptight clan heads- I mean Chouza should have said something by now- invite her for dinner and feed her to apologise for throwing her to the wolves. And Shikaku is useless but Yoshino my scary love would definitely not let it sit- then we'd get to see cute baby Shika, there's no way Rejina can hate the sleepy baby- he's too pure and grumpy for this world.

Love this story so much, just glad to be able to read good fanfics that are more than 7 chapters.
Guest chapter 40 . 2/26

very fun
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 40 . 2/26
love Kakashi master avoidance on connection thing and how to be people bits... and just look at them! diplomacy and small time fun stuff.

but yeah I mean Kakashi being like third in line for hokageship being sent is pretty good diplomacy wise although the we were old war enemies,
I mean its a bit odd on the wars and not knowing when and which everyone were fighting each other all at the same time.. it makes ya curious you know? alas.
but yeah all thepersonal that no one informed her shes directly apart of now! how nice.

still do appreciate all the oh yeah bringing the son of a highly accomplished war enemy... well anyone high enough to actually send DOES have baggage with well, everyone so. all the fun!

still I love all this diplomacy stuff just amazing. I approve of diplomat talking! dinners good clothing! hoenst talks! I haven't got any of your blood on my hands for you to feel off about! how lovely.
magitechxinc chapter 40 . 2/26
You're always so good at mixing heartfelt fluff moments with insightful intrigue and flowing relationship dynamics! I love this story! I love just how skilled you are! Excellent job! I'm so excited to see the "not-apology" at dinner.
fermontie chapter 40 . 2/26
aaaaand that draft made it all worth it for kakashi lol really loved that bisuke bit. it makes sense if orochimaru is there. I wonder if he's just there to observe or be more proactive in taking rejina in. thanks for the update! really looking forward to the dinner with their carefully selected outfits!
Desdemona Sunrise chapter 40 . 2/26
40 chapters as a loyal lurker in I should probably say - man I love this story. So entertaining!

Tbf I also really liked the less funny parts like she struggled with being ostracized and an outsider who doesn't quite know the lay of the land as a native would, even if it made me sympathetically anxious.

I also really felt her "read. The. Handout." internal screams from last chapter.

By the way, was Bisuke saying it smelled of snakes Orochimaru prowling around?
Angelicsailor chapter 40 . 2/26
and I die-
nevertheless27 chapter 1 . 2/17
cant understand the story
kenni no. 1 chapter 39 . 2/16
They are both actually getting along.
kffs chapter 39 . 2/15
Loved this chapter, super fun
ZeraphEnd chapter 39 . 2/15
I’ve been on social media wayyy to much in the last bit. I REALLY want to give like a like or thumbs up to his but I can’tttttt ugh. So a comment? Lol
fermontie chapter 39 . 2/15
great job rejina! I foresee suna sending letters to her in addition to the other letters she's getting from iron, etc lmao and petrichor? thanks for that, made me smile thinking of doctor who
Ulsindhe chapter 39 . 2/15
Thank you so much for writing this story. It's been a huge mood-booster to read about someone making the best of her shitty situation, and how she deals with it.
magitechxinc chapter 39 . 2/15
Oh my God! This chapter is such a mood. *Please just read the handout! It's in the handout.* Glorious!
kffs chapter 38 . 2/12
Great business drama - A
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