Reviews for Corruption - Rebooted
MarioMan314 chapter 10 . 5/3
"i'm not killing main characters"
*is gonna kill rouge*
FaithMcKoy chapter 10 . 5/3
Hehehe... I love blood~

And you know who else likes reviews? MOI! I don't mean to sound pushy but its fair that if I review your story, wouldn't be fair that you reviewed mine? Again I don't want you to think I'm trying to pressure you into reviewing, I just thought you would catch my drift.
MarioMan314 chapter 9 . 4/29
Badabing badaBOOM. Why am I now getting The Manifestation of Dark Tails vibes after reading it? Wonder who' Hopefully this doesn't go in that direction.
FaithMcKoy chapter 9 . 4/28
You just really love cliffhangers don't you?
And it's fine if you're not good at fighting scenes, not everybody is good at fighting scenes.
MarioMan314 chapter 8 . 4/27
Uh oh. Betting on the cage breaking and everyone dying.
FaithMcKoy chapter 8 . 4/27
Eggman just really wants to make Sonic suffer, doesn't he?
FaithMcKoy chapter 7 . 4/22
Silver really is naïve no matter what is going on.
FaithMcKoy chapter 6 . 4/15
So... Shadow is Sonic's son or more like Raxaga and Silver has finally joined... Heh, the intensity continues.
FaithMcKoy chapter 4 . 3/30
Welp... Shadow lost his Chaos Abilities...

And just a heads up, I wanted to know if you are able to do any P.M'S so that we can talk in private. For ideas if either of us are stuck when it comes to updating stories.
Sonadow345 chapter 2 . 11/21/2019
I like the amount of detail that's been added to this story. It's great! I can't wait to read more!
Leodragon678 chapter 1 . 11/19/2019
Nice job on this! Your writing has improved very much and I can't wait to see more!