Reviews for Rekindled Anew
LuigiWife1551 chapter 33 . 3/25

Oh man, I’m sorry I haven’t been reviewing- I was always excited when I saw the new chapter in my inbox but with everything happening in my life I’ve barely had time to work on my own stories let alone read other awesome pieces like yours.

I’m sorry you’re leaving us again, but don’t think that because you have low numbers means no one likes your work. I’ll be back soon to catch up on reading due to this quarantine, and I’ll be leaving my thoughts on your story. Frankly you’re one of the reason I’m still working on my story, and I hope you’ll be able to review it once I upload.

Again, I’m sad you’re leaving us, but I wish you all the best! :)
Tony Moonstone chapter 33 . 3/23
Thanks for coming back, with a new work of Art.
Thanks for getting us another work of Art.I'm sure I speak for everybody we will miss
Thanks for all the stories you made and kept us drawn in.
I don't want to say goodbye, so instead I'll say
Good Journeys!
Keep writing and I'll continue reading!
Mr. Sefer chapter 33 . 3/22
At least you left a legacy of great stories behind just as many others have, IF this is your final bow out. If not then great, continue the legacy. You also really aren't lying about the fact that many writers do kill off characters with nothing else other than that, so I am glad someone did.
Writing4life123 chapter 33 . 3/21
Well, I guess this is goodbye. I had just started to read all your stories and liking them and I hope your future is bright.
Marshall V2018 chapter 33 . 3/21
I guess good bye. Hope you come back. Great job on this story.
Zojak chapter 33 . 3/21
Aw.. guess we're really here now.

Ever since you started writing you've thrown around the idea of writing your stories and then going dark. It was always just something in the future, something that would come soon, but not now. And now we're here, at the end, and I have to say it's at least a little bit sad. I've been following you before I even registered. The only reason I waited was because FFN says the day the account was registered and I didn't like February (which is a really dumb reason). It's because of you I even registered. Without Relight the Fire, I probably wouldn't have written much of anything.

Your stories have been standout good, especially in this section. They've been so good that I sparsely read Paw Patrol fanfiction anymore, because I found that whenever I did, it was never quite as good as yours, and I couldn't stop myself from comparing it. The characters are down to the mark, the plots are new and innovative. I've never read stories quite like yours in any section. I read Relight the Fire because the bio was something new, something that wasn't an origin story or rated M violence or a story that's not so secretly about an OC the author made up and really likes. You made me like Rubble, something nobody has been able to do. Ever. I left one of my first anonymous reviews because I liked your story so much even though I've been reading fanfiction since 2015.

I've always wanted to write stories but I was worried nobody would care, or that my stories weren't interesting. I found your stories in late January 2019 and at first I was jealous. How were you so good? I wanted to write exactly like you did, with the good characterization and the new plots and the fluent grammar. Stories that weren't violent or sexy or romantic. I guess you could say you were one of my inspirations. I registered on March 1st, 2019, because I liked your stories that much, and I thought it was high time to start writing after then-four years of reading.

I left a haphazard review on Bulldog in a Bind like "I have an account yay for me" and somehow that was enough for you to conclude "yeah, this guy's alright" and I got a message. A message! And it was a long message, too! One that wasn't "hey thanks bud love PyreFly". That was the start of a 13 month correspondence whose duration I've matched with few other people. It's amazing the topics we've covered at some point in that big long Re: Greetings thread. I know you said that PMs would be unguaranteed and that AO3 is the new Promised Land for functionality, but I hope that Re: Greetings thread survives the end of your writing career.

I couldn't think of a Paw Patrol plot fast enough, and Freeform had a Twilight marathon in mid-February, around the time Start Your Engines was being published. It made me realize just how much I hated it, but at the same time that it had potential with an author who cared more than the likes of Stephenie Meyer. I wrote a Twilight story before I wrote a Paw Patrol story and I thought you wouldn't read it and I'd feel awkward about not writing in the same fandom. To my surprise, you were supportive. And hella supportive! I wanted to write something Paw Patrol just to make it up to you. I wanted to have it finished by your birthday but I couldn't do it. It was to be a short story focused around the night Rocky was caught in the Lookout prior to joining the patrol, and the events that led to him joining the team. Writer's block meant that I couldn't finish it on time. Would've been nice to, though..

I owe you my career on this site, pretty much. I don't really tell a lot of people this but I had a really awful breakup in early January 2019, a few weeks before I found your stories, and your stories made it better. It was the first good story I've heard in a while and it made me feel better about it. Spectrum wouldn't exist without you, Zojak wouldn't exist without you. Your stories led to all this. Maybe if I hadn't found you then something else would've inspired me to join, but in the universe we live in, it was you. And I thank you for that.

Contrary to popular belief, I did get something from making the covers. I got a pretty kickass friend out of it, and I hope that'll continue through the Dark Ages. Your FFN writing career is over (unless you wanna come back), but the long-term effects it'll have on us meeting, my writing career, your own writing career? That'll last who-knows-how-long. Not bad for a handful of Paw Patrol fanfictions.

I'm flattered by my addition in the Afterword. You called me your Co-Author a few chapters back and I didn't even know what to say, I've never really gotten a compliment quite like that before. I thank you for it. Sincerely.

As for RA, it's a solid story about heartbreak, grief, and moving forward. It has some nice messages about family and friendship. Maybe it under-preformed a little, but it doesn't change the quality of the story. Many a good stories have been hidden due to circumstance.

Here's to the PyreFly77 Writing Collection. Thanks for these stories. They'll be good for rereads, I'm sure. These stories have changed my perspective on a lot. May they continue to do that for others who find them. Here's to moving forward, here's to the good impact these stories have had. I'll miss 'em, and I'll miss your writing. You have a way with words like no other.

Adios, aloha, and auf wiedersehen. Godspeed.

Deuces -
Sturmivik chapter 33 . 3/21
Thank you PyreFly for creating this masterpiece. Now I know I’ve only commented twice on this fanfic, and that’s because I’m not that good to critiques. But even if not many people comment on each chapter, I know that everyone who read this has loved every word of it. I hope you will return in the future, and I guess that’s something to look forward to. I’ll be waiting if you do.
Etoile1120 chapter 33 . 3/21
Hi there, long time reader, first time commenting. I usually don't leave those, because I'm not really good at giving critiques, especially on stuff I liked. Regardless, I wanted to thank you for leaving some quality storytelling on FanFiction. Hurt/Comfort fics are not really my thing, but I've been enjoying this long half a year ride. It really spiced up my morning while endlessly waiting for my bus to come. Best regards on your future ventures.
Sturmivik chapter 32 . 3/14
Dang it, you’re teasing me! Lol. I was hoping to get some kind of conclusion about visiting Ash, but I guess that’s an “if” for the future. But still, really amazing story! You deserve a break.
Guest chapter 28 . 3/14
Aw, this was a happy chapter. I fell for Ryder's prank at the start as well XD I'm really glad they're back! I hope they forgave Cali now, at least a little bit. They didn't stage that rescue as well, did they? With the way Katie was acting, it didn't seem like it. But then, why would they be hiding in the bushes? Hmm. I forgot about the funeral as well, until Skye said they were forgetting something. They should just straight-up turn it into a celebration or appreciation party. Hope things won't be too sad; things are getting back to normal now. I'm very late, but I WILL be reading all of the chapters. Thank you for writing! Have a good rest of the day/night!
Mr. Sefer chapter 31 . 3/11
Simply Said, Can't Wait.
Mr. Sefer chapter 30 . 3/8
The part where Ash Said that he was ready to join "your mother". That just plain hurt my heart. Good Emotional Beats And callback.
Marshall V2018 chapter 30 . 3/7
Great chapter.
Amelia154 chapter 30 . 3/7
Woah that was awesome. Glad to hear from Ash. Great job.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/6
Geez, I'm so late. Things kept happening. It feels great to see Ryder with the pups again and comforting Chase. I'm with Marshall, Everest and Tracker. I'd want go help Cali even if no one else was coming. I'm glad they convicted themy though. This is probably their first rescue after the incident since the other one was a set up, right? Hope it goes well! And I hope Ryder and the others can forgive Cali. Poor Katie. She must be feeling terrible right now. Maybe Cali as well. Thank you so much for writing! It good to have the Author Notes back. Next chapter!
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