Reviews for The Genuine fool
Restia32 chapter 4 . 4/25
La trama estaba buena. Continua.
BorderLand chapter 4 . 3/23
Ok I need more of this, great story. I like where this is going.
BorderLand chapter 2 . 3/23
Well Hachiman is going places, I can just imagine everyone reaction when a helicopter comes out of nowhere after they saw Hachiman fight monsters the day before. Dark, handsome, mysterious, powerful and with connection. The girls will surely fight for him now.
BorderLand chapter 1 . 3/23
I just realized that Hachiman is made for Persona series.
SilentDiary chapter 4 . 12/8/2019
Sun could be Haruno.
Curima chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
Well what to say. I just read chapter 1, and found that more than half of it is a blatant ripoff of "Social link and genuine things". One thing is to take inspiration from another Fic and use the same setting, but the other is to steal even the dialogs! And then 8man being the mysterious character and say "they have potential". What the.. You know what, if people like it then OK, but please edit the first chapter a bit and make it more of your own and not a downgrade version of the already mentioned fanfic.
Echonic chapter 4 . 12/3/2019
"Hermit" Yeah this one goes to Tsurumi, seeing as she likes to be alone.
"Temperance" This one goes to Taishi, being around Komachi must be hard.
"Sun" This goes to Shiromeguri, she's cheerful and radiates a certain warmth, just like a sun.
"Priestess" This one goes goes to Haruno, she'd fit the "Devil" more though..
"Hanged man" Lol make this one Sagami Minami or Orimoto, though Orimoto could be Priestess.
tsun chapter 4 . 12/3/2019
Priestess Tsurumi Rumi.
Hermit Hina Ebina
Hanged Man Felt more of Hachiman's Arcana to be honest with his social suicide when dealing with problems and I'm stump on what to to replace it.
Temperance Can be Hina Ebina. She struggles to balance her social life with not wanting to end the clique but I feel that she's more of a hermit that let's other enter center stage.
Sun - Haruno. She had struggled and mature and knows her role in the family. She's also pushing Yukinon to mature and not become like her.

I'm not picking them in random just to fill the slots. THey actually fit it if your read the description of the arcana.

Pm me more if you need help or just to bounce more idea. I can help if when I'm not busy.
tsun chapter 3 . 12/2/2019
nice story. at first, it reminded me of some other story but as the story goes, it's much grander or rather, a continuation of p3.
Observer chapter 2 . 11/28/2019
Please rip off more of the story “Social links and genuine things”. Nobody can tell you’re ripping off the dialogue word for word from it and then put a persona 3 post it note at the end.
Taine chapter 2 . 11/30/2019
Ok, this is interesting. This is the first crossover with Persona who has ties with the games, and I am curious to see how this will go.
The premise is good and raises a lot of questions about Minato and the relationship with the Hikigaya Family.
Those two chapters are well done, but I have some advice. You can or can't take it.
First of all, the obvious: the various errors. I am not talking about the grammar, I am not qualified to comment on that, but I mean the various typos. Commas, capital letters, those kinds of things. I suggest a Beta it would help a lot. I would offer myself, but my grammar is shit, sorry.
Then there is the first chapter.
The only 'issue' that I would guard you against is introducing all of those characters together.
Personally, instead of all the group you used, I would have used only the Main group of the first scene, aka Yukino, Yoi and Iroha. Too many characters could cause a lot of confusion if you do not know the setting. Plus, you are going to use in the next chapters SEEES, that coupled with all the people used in this chapter are really a lot.
Characterization seems fine to me up until now, Hachiman is a bit off, but if he is experienced with Tartarous that is understandable.
The only thing I would change a bit is Zaimokuza outburst, make him a little more hesitant and fearful. My view of the character is that he is not a lost cause, but it is more of a mask(eh? eeeeh? Got it? Mask? Persona? Ok, I will stop) than anything else.
Again, my vision, not something that is strictly necessary.
In writing, I advise you to write a bit more description of sentiences. Not paragraphs, just short phrases.
Having said my piece, I wish you good luck.
I am open to discuss if you want.
Again, good luck.
ArmantusCumPinnae chapter 2 . 11/29/2019
i think i read this somewhere. also wasnt chapter 2 posted before? or was it reuploaded? or am I mixing it with another different fic? shit I forgot. meh many thx for this chap n i hope this continues
SilentDiary chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
I really love this. I can’t wait to read more
Smashgunner chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
Tartarus is back huh? I wonder what sort of diabolical plot occurred to make a second one appear. With Nyx sealed then it must be a different kind of god pulling some bullshit. You've definitely interested me with this premise. I hope that you continue writing this, and I hope that you find something better to type this on. A Cellphone isn't very good for checking a chapter for mistakes.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/24/2019
Perseus is a greek hero how come he use a katana as a weapon ?
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