Reviews for Liberty Rising
Guest chapter 12 . 8/1
Pllllleeaaassseeee make more of this! Plllleeaassreee! We need this now more than ever!
dovah-keen01 chapter 1 . 7/20
will you continue the story pls
BluewallBaron chapter 1 . 5/30
Any continuation to the story after 12 ? And besides hopefully what are the reactions of Josh's family reacting to Amira and her having both her and Josh's little life plus marriage... you have got to continue this man can't leave all of us hanging here dude
Juo98 chapter 12 . 5/13
Can we pls even get a status update if you still plan to continue this series or not, thanks
xXBlazey101Xx chapter 7 . 5/9
About the president thing... we actually vote once every 4 years and the president can serve 8 years max
SH4D0W ReaDeR chapter 1 . 4/9
The name of this stories Empire makes me grimace each time I read it, that is one of the few problems I noticed in this story aside from those it's a nice story
Nick Walsh1 chapter 6 . 3/30
wait a minute... a c-130 cant fit a a-10 disassembled last I checked... they barely have the room for a humvee
Guest chapter 12 . 3/4
Hope you can continue updating soon
Cooldude chapter 12 . 2/7
Yes and I belive you portrayed the press’s love of swarming, etc people
Gamerman22 chapter 12 . 2/7
I did visited New York three years ago, Manhattan, visits a lot of place, including the Nintendo store, and USS Intrepid, she may have history background, but the legendary Gray Ghost (USS Enterprise CV-6) is more of a legend. The hotel my family stayed was near the UN building, but it’s across the other side.

New York Joint Strike Forces is best counter against the evil communist purges. They have military background and special forces training and those with military experience. And yes they work with US Federals when the situation is dire.
Cooldude chapter 11 . 2/2
Mwhahahah! Yes! Battleships are back baby!
wiseman1012 chapter 11 . 1/31
how to get a brand new sun Part 1.

step 1 Piss off the American people
step 2 ?
step 3 Profit
Gamerman22 chapter 11 . 1/31
It’s up to Homeland Security, National Security Agency, FBI and Counter Terrorism Units aka CTU to protect them. And no it’s against the law for CIA to do the job in the US.
FreeWar chapter 11 . 1/31
So the Norks are doing dumb stuff seems about right
alaxbird chapter 11 . 1/31
Not quite what I was expecting from that title, but definitely interesting
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