Reviews for The Beginning Of Our Story (Written In The Stars Clois Series)
PseudoRidge chapter 11 . 7/19
used the wrong form of “you’re” five times in a row
Jeda31 chapter 13 . 7/19
Oh my word that was an another gloriously beautiful and sensational, emotionally breathtaking awesome humdinger of a new chapter.

Utterly loved how much of a bro Wes Keenan was to Lois in the opening part of the chapter by covering for her and giving as much time as possible to enjoy the new life and love that she is enjoying with Clark at the Kent farm.

Have to say that I completely adore and found romantically fantastic the fabulously gorgeous and spectacularly sublime fun times and happiness they are having as they, love, laugh, tease as they simply enjoy being together. As well as how it was all caused by Clark and Lois waking up to find themselves floating and Lois searching for the enbrassing reason behind such event. As well as how eagerly accepting and embracing of their new relationship and all the fun, mess and chaos that comes with that Mama and Popa Kent are of it. Particularly as they can recognise that is meant to get and should be allowed to happen.

Ah the plot thickens as Phelham ups the ante on the Kent’s in regards to their battle of wits and wiles with regards to arresting Jonathan and eagerly looking forward to seeing how Lois and Clark get the it of jail here and come up with a way to deal with this corrupt cop for good.
Jeda31 chapter 12 . 6/11
Oh my word, only the gorgeously incredible and sensationally beautiful Lois and Clark could have caused so much chaos for trying to make and eat pancakes and enjoy and love everything else that occurred whilst doing so.

Was utterly great to see them enjoying some magnificently beautiful and glorious romantically stunning intimate alone time together and are ready to face whatever comes their way now and from anybody as they have found their soulmate and are destined to be forever and together always even though it might take them a little bit longer to get there.

Plus I found it fantastic that they got caught lost in their own little romantic bubble to be caught by the Kent’s and allow for some wonderful family and parental bonding time as Lois and Clark elaborate on the depths of their feelings for one another as the Kent’s reveal that they saw it coming and gave eagerly accepted while setting ground rules all the same.
Jeda31 chapter 11 . 5/7
Oh my good that was an absolutely amazing awesome and magnificently beautiful humdinger of a new chapter.

For a minute there zI though it was going to be a angst case of parting is such sweet sorrow and a case of Lois allowing her fears and worries get in the way of her happiness. That I loved how you had Clark with his farm boy charm and logic persuade her just how wrong she was and that there was live to be and worth fighting for and any sacrifice necessary as they are meant to be together.

Eagerly looking forward to reading the next chapter and seeing just what else Clark and Lois do it get up to while the night is young.
Jeda31 chapter 10 . 4/23
Oh my word, this has to be one of the best Smallville clois stories that I have ever read. As it is an absolutely amazing and incredible awesome humdinger of a story with brilliant plot, characterisation of and relationships between the key players down to a tea of literary perfection.

Love the utterly brilliant and sensationally incredible clois romance that you have going on here as not only is breathtaking to read that it is so then that they could share their first kiss and then go two steps back due to their conflicting personalities, emotions and motions and bearlybscrew things up Though now that phelan is dealt without clois can have a much needed talk and get to the bottom of all lois deep seated fears and move forward as a couple eventually.
Saydonee chapter 9 . 4/18
loved it, can't wait for more, I love Clois! It would be so awesome to have Clark sneak in quick and plop down in front of them and prove them both wrong about not coming after them and only taking Lana's side lol.
Saydonee chapter 8 . 3/31
Interesting rewrite, it really would be helpful, and a great turn of events if he tells Chloe and Pete, and gets a positive and supportive reaction from both of them, and at the same time, Pete and Chloe could be good sounding boards for each other as well as Clark
madcloisfan chapter 8 . 3/27
Loved it. Smut please
madcloisfan chapter 7 . 3/21
Loved it
LoganVeronica chapter 7 . 2/28
This is really good in every aspect. About Chloe, the part where she isn't going to get in their way or acept their feelings, she is just human and I love it.

Actually, I love everything in this fic.
Alexia Mximo J chapter 6 . 2/8
Update please
LoganVeronica chapter 6 . 1/25
Amazing chapter. Time short. Barely could read in time.
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 6 . 1/12
I don't this is going to go the way this guy wants it to go with Lois there lol.
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 5 . 1/4
I hope with Lois influence Clark will be able to gain and master his emerging powers better then he did in the show. The biggest problem will be getting over his fear of heights which is a big reason it took him so long to fly, while I do not expect miracles I bet she can shame him enough to at lest float enough to at lest change a light bulb in the house with out having to get something to stand on.

Can not wait for the next chapter keep them coming
LoganVeronica chapter 5 . 1/4
Great chapter. Everyone is so damn well written. Finally got to see Chloe and Pete and their reactions were on point. Clark and Lois just can't see what everyone else can. This is a reminder of the dunk tank scene in "Facade".
A glimpse of Lana, yay. Hoping for a little jealousy. She always made Clark feels jealous because of Whitney even when she didn't knew about his feelings so... karma I guess.
Can't wait for the next.
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