Reviews for A Magical Chelsie Christmas
evitamockingbird chapter 22 . 2/16
Kitty! I like the minor machinations Elsie manages in order to keep Charlie busy with Thomas when Mr. Molesley comes in with the feline gift. It’s a perfect gift, too. I like how your Charlie is so teasing about the cat’s name. I’m curious to see what name he chooses, “Vixen” being out of the question. :-)
RM chapter 27 . 1/28
Love love love this so much and I'm reading it in January haha.
kouw chapter 27 . 1/24
There is nothing like letting out that contented sigh at the end of a fic where all the boxes have been ticked and everything is just wonderful and right. It's been a wonderful, gentle ride and I am so glad I finally managed to make the time to read!
kouw chapter 26 . 1/24
What a wonderful way to tie the whole story together - thank you so much for sharing and I am sorry for having taken so long before reviewing. It's been marvelous and I can't wait to get stuck into the epilogue!
kouw chapter 25 . 1/24
Wonders have been mostly the theme of this fic and while I am a little surprised that Charles sits in Elsie's seat, I do wonder where she is going to have to sit down!
Elsie and Thomas - I have a LOT OF FEELS about their relationship and I am so glad to see them reflected in this chapter!
kouw chapter 24 . 1/24
YES FOR THE BERYL and deliciously intimate moments that just make my heart flutter!
kouw chapter 23 . 1/24
For me Christmas is only family and by reading this, I felt a little bit what it might be if it isn't not only that. Thank you for giving me that: it really felt special.
kouw chapter 22 . 1/24
I love when a writer throws me for such a surprise! I had never thought about getting the Carsons a cat, but now she is here and I hope it will all work out for them!
kouw chapter 21 . 1/24
The hairpins are a lovely, appropriate gift and I think that Mrs Hughes would honestly be so pleased with them - what a wonderful choice. Of course I can't wait for Mr Carson to unwrap his gift...
kouw chapter 20 . 1/24
I do like it when the research and the story mingle so beautifully!
kouw chapter 19 . 1/24
The idea of Elsie Hughes lying in the snow is amazing - back then, 25 years ago and now!
kouw chapter 18 . 1/24
I know the chapter is called ribbons, but it could have been wrapped because it just wrapped around me like a warm blanket!
kouw chapter 17 . 1/24
This installment is so soft and tender and I love it so much - the fears Mr Carson has reflected in the things he has seen in his grandfather and Elsie's quiet determination are just *chef's kiss*
kouw chapter 16 . 1/24
Finally: a few moments to myself to savour every word of this! I love how nervous Mr Molesley is well done capturing him! And Mr Carson has mellowed enough to be of actual help! Absolutely lovely!
evitamockingbird chapter 21 . 1/13
Elf! Yes, she is a bit of an elf now. I’m almost as curious as Charlie about the gift. Thanks for this!
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