Reviews for The Night of the Blue Dragon
BarkingatJim chapter 6 . 2/26
What a detailed dream! Thank goodness Artie didn't really die and Vautrain is still in custody. I expect you can bust him out for another time travelling adventure though so I will wait and see. Excellent, you have really entertained me.
BarkingatJim chapter 5 . 2/26
More exciting twists. Thank goodness Artie was unconscious when Jim sewed his wound up. Let's hope that Vautrain doesn't get the bracelet off. Thanks for inserting the memorial.
BarkingatJim chapter 4 . 2/26
This has become a long and winding tale with twists along the way. Poor Artie! Looking forward to seeing how the plans of Daviina pan out. Well done.
BarkingatJim chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
Oh dear, the boys are so happy. What a shame they have fallen into your clutches. I enjoyed the teaser but I dread what you are going to do to them in Act 1.