Reviews for Zuchino Series Part 3: The Ultron Offensive
Kezman1993 chapter 5 . 4/22
I didn't even realize this came out.

Please update this with 1 final chapter when the next story comes out.

dracotheelder101 chapter 5 . 3/28
Hey both my brother and I are really big fans of your series so far I love have you laid your ground work. But I have just one question. Why did you black list my brother just because he disagreed with you on Captain Marvel? I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions but to blacklist a fan of your stories over that seems a bit rude dont you think?
Blood Spider chapter 5 . 3/9
What about Frieza’s father king cold
Jestalnaker94000 chapter 4 . 2/13
Good chapter! I wonder if Zuchino will almost rip Scarlet Witch in half for what she put him through mentally?
Guest chapter 3 . 1/26
It would be cool if there was another saiyan who joined the Guardians of the Galaxy could be the third saiyan alive in this universe. Maybe even Bardock?
Chocolate Orange chapter 3 . 1/23
What if Robbie Reyes (Ghost Rider) from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Cheelai from the new Dragon Ball Super: Broly met and fell in love. Not only would it make the worlds of science and the supernatural collide (which is something that I absolutely love). But it would make two of my favorite characters ever meet.
Flug Slys Enid chapter 3 . 1/5
So far I think that this one might be my favorite out of the Zuchino series (admittedly it's partly because Scarlet Witch is my favorite Avenger and frankly Elizabeth Olsen is hot as fuck, but that's neither here nor there). I love the Frieza cameo as well. It sort of makes sense that even after all these years, Frieza is still the monster under Zuchino's bed. The one that will always make him wake up in a cold sweat. I think that it shows a certain level of vulnerability in him that I think helps make his character really interesting and relatable.

I also like the idea of Steve and Corna being in a flirtationship (I think that's what its called. Probably completely wrong). And I would really love to see where that goes.

I think the thing I'm most excited to see in this story is what plans Doctor Gero has and how they'll affect the MCU, obviously, Cell will eventually come into play, but I'm really interested in seeing if he'll be working with any of the other villains like Ultron or maybe even Zemo or if he'll just be off doing his own thing. I admit that I would absolutely love to see Android 18 (maybe a possible romance for Zuchino sometime in the future?) make an appearance at some point.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/26/2019
that was a real powerful chapter. Wonder how Z will recover from that experience
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
no chapter 2
Jestalnaker94000 chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
Good start, I wonder what happens next? Hopefully, Scarlett Witch and Zuchino hook up. (: