Reviews for Working Out with the Dragon Prince
Lennox13 chapter 1 . 2/6
My heart, oh, my heart. So cute. And so true. And Soren deserves so much better. Thank you for writing!
pjohpkc28 chapter 1 . 1/27
Zym in a gym. What a sight to see!
Bronwynn chapter 1 . 1/18
I enjoyed reading this. Soren Keeps his feelings well hidde in the series, but his speech about Viren being a villain in season three confirmed that Soren understands much more than he lets on. But losing a parent—even an evil one—stirs up emotions. This was a sweet bonding moment for Soren and Zym. I hope you continue to write more fics about The Dragon Prince.
Inkrose2904 chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
I love how you portray Soren's feelings in this. watching the show I have always believed that this was how Soren felt, especially in season 3. Awesome job, definitely has become a favorite for me.
1228248 chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
I have never wanted to hug Soren as much as I did reading this.
DriftingGem chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
I like this a lot and can see Zym and Soren morning work outs as a time for Soren to chat and expressing his opinions and observations when most of the sentient beings in the area are sleeping. Zym can help you learn to describe mostly mute characters that need their physical movements described and I can see these two meeting other characters that are considered minor to expand awareness of who is who and explore the new realm of Xaidia and how they react to Humans like Soren and the possibility Zym getting protective if someone insults Soren or makes a antihuman comment or action. Also the world building has to do with how people sort of block out unimportant details like the background when watching the show so you're describing the former dragon king's position in its implication was a easy to over look point.
seireidoragon chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
This was a really nice story and it's cool to see Zym and Soren bonding.