Reviews for Starlight
Alexia Alexendra chapter 2 . 5/7
I really like how you write. the sex scenes in all your fic are one of the best on this website! Everything you write is to my liking. seriously keep writing! If one day you write a romance book, I'm gonna buy it! xD Good job!
Tminor chapter 2 . 12/24/2019
Great fic! All the moments and details in between that show important character reflections and relationship development 3
derektomlinson chapter 2 . 12/14/2019
lol cloud smirking at saying to his girlfriend and wife tifa great i created a monster i am going to call you lust from now on tifa hissing smirking at saying to her boyfriend and husband cloud strife my name is tifa lockhart strife although lust od a great nickname
Caramel Van Gogh chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
I’m crying...this is beautiful. I love this follow up so much aaaaa. And I remembered that snippet you showed with Yuffie! Didn’t expect it to be part of this series but it was awesome :) And now back to my crying because Cloti are so precious and I wanna hug them and tell them that I’m proud of them because damn they’ve been through enough akdjaks can’t wait for the next chapter as always! Thank you for this!
derektomlinson chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
cloud saying to his girlfriend and wife tifa did you let zack fuck your pussy with his slap tifa hissing shouting yelling at her boyfriend and husband CLOUD STRIFE DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE YOU ARE THE ONLY MAN WHO WILL FUCK MY PUSSY WITH YOUR PENIS