Reviews for The Wild Boar Hero!
G0dz1llex chapter 5 . 7/22
Nice fic i have to say, even kirishima now is a girl and kirishima girl is best girl, you should keep it up!
Kleave guy chapter 5 . 6/22
I like how Izuku mispronounce into Kamado tanjiro, nice reference!
iron-slayer-dragon chapter 5 . 6/11
I love this. I absolutely love it.
lara.niric chapter 5 . 5/23
This is exactly what I have been looking for. A nice BNHA/DemonSlayer crossover. And Izuku being like Inosuke is like a dream plot come true. Love it and can't wait for more.
RokuNi chapter 5 . 5/23
winterwolf23543 chapter 3 . 5/17
ahh yes you're godzilla and kimetsu no yaiba crossover is getting updated

Oh poor mineta he should train more lmao!
winterwolf23543 chapter 2 . 5/17
Funny I just gonna imagine he is just inosuke with green hair lmao
Poor Mineta ready to save the boobs of Jirou muahahahahaha!
Gonna expect for angry interaction between izuku and Bakugo~
Descendant of Flaming Dragons chapter 1 . 5/16
this is..?
i lpve it?
Guest chapter 5 . 5/13
What about Kimetsu no Kaiju?
UnivHunterXD chapter 5 . 5/12
Kamado Tanjiro... Inosuke's friend that he messed pronoucing right and now Izuku pronouncing Kirishima wrong... Ship senses are tingling.
Leafy-tan chapter 5 . 5/12
This beyond hilarious
Inumakume chapter 5 . 5/12
Jajaja Kamado Tanjiro xD
Mori con eso. Love it
puppyred chapter 1 . 5/2
we need mo
Guest chapter 4 . 4/28
i coulda sworn i read this before. i was expecting chapter five yanno?
Inumakume chapter 4 . 4/30
Realmente me gustó. Jaja imaginar a Midoriya haciendo esas cosas xD
Amo el fic
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