Reviews for The Wheel and the Great Tomb of Nazarick
WesternReader chapter 6 . 7/4
Gonna mention something in an earlier chapter. I don't really think the children analogy would make them more respectful to each other. Also fighting strength is kind of useless to nazarick so recruiting enemies is kind of unlikely considering they're so weak and not very likable since they attacked ainz's things.
WesternReader chapter 4 . 7/4
Enri is deferential to Lupus. I don't think she would be so bold as to apologize on her behalf or whatever even if she acted out of hand.
WesternReader chapter 3 . 7/4
The way he described albedo seems out of character. He probs would've just stuck them all under children but it's an analogy so whatever. They're probably gonna assume he noticed or was involved with the new world They're in now.
Nameless Grave chapter 9 . 7/4
I don’t know anything about the WoT universe or it’s characters (and tbh, I don’t care to learn); but that said, your characterization of Nazarick is super on point and a real joy to read. So, even if I’m only getting half the story, I’m still hooked. Looking forwards to more!
FuryJoe chapter 9 . 7/1
great story
DarkFayt chapter 8 . 6/10
Still like where this is going as a story. The idea of the biblical mythos being involved is still up there for me but I'll wait to see what actually happens with it. Hope to see and update soon.
DarkFayt chapter 7 . 6/10
love the second view on the battle. gives a better feel of the situation. No idea on the cookie at the end there but hungry darkness is always interesting.
DarkFayt chapter 6 . 6/10
ok this intermission has me confused as F. I hope this is just a fun side scene and will not be effecting the story. I don't think a joke heaven would work well in either story-verse.
DarkFayt chapter 5 . 6/10
It was really exciting seeing some new events in this chapter and the WOT characters having an effect. I was starting to get afraid you were going to fall into the same trap so many do. Just rewriting canon word for word with crossover character commentary. I hate seeing a good writer go that path. I do have to say though I doubt Ainz would have let this happen. Once he found out that there were possibly other world travelers he would have at least ordered them protected if not taken to Nazeric. If they get killed in this he could lose his first lead. War or no war.
DarkFayt chapter 3 . 6/10
to be honest I'm a little weirded out by this chapter. I can understand why you did it but it seems out of character for Ainz. In the beginning his whole concern was keeping the NPC's loyal and from the point in the overload time line you are working from I think we can assume that most of those concerns are gone. I do think you need to clarify that in his thinking though. An inner monologue justifying to himself that even if he un-deify's himself in-front of the NPC's they are not going to try and overthrow him. Even then though I don't think we would give up ruling Nazeric. I can see him delegating more with the excuse that we wants time to explore his potential and the guardians accepting that...hmm I'll have to keep reading to see where this goes but its a head scratcher at this point.
Juan Sotomayor chapter 8 . 5/30
Interesting. I'm definitely sticking around.
Mr Miliardo chapter 8 . 5/16
Curious crossover. One of a kind, for obvious reasons. After all, the two timelines/worlds clash under almost all the points of view. Not that your fic is written badly, anything but, yet there's that niggling that has me thinking of the people from WoT as REALLY unfortunate unwilling reality travellers out of their deep and there for... no reason I can see. These are the young and inexperienced people youths just out of Emond Field, hardly the battle hardened powerhouses in their own right of the latest books, and given they have switched world, their reality-warping ta'veren status may very well have been suspended.

And the hope of Moraine to find a way back via Ainz's help... while understanding given her position, being the all-knowing entity I am (at least in these instances) I couldn't help a groan. Unless they find a Portal Stone and abuse of Mat's luck they're fucked sideways, Ainz being even less in the know of them about reality-walking.

Shame we won't be able to look at them in the face should they ever meet Ainz in his normal form, the WoT continuity doesn't contemplate undead, after all... unless we consider Draghkars and Gray Men who seem to straddle that line. XD

By the way, what was that part with the Judaic-Christian entities? Or the other snippet detailing what seemed by description Slimes?
Tomi Shinoda chapter 8 . 4/11
Looking forward to your update, this is good stuff, I love it a lot, but if I where to nitpick, then I would say i'm not thrilled about Ainz reciprocating Albedo's feelings, Lupu being a pervert more than a sadist, not using her weapon and spell, she's a cleric, a healing support unit, not a close combat warrior like Yuri, speaking of Yuri, she has a good karma value and likes humans and all others that are not from Nazarick, she does not have the same prejudice as the others do. The scripture battle mage lady that fought Lupu, I forgot her name but if she could summon Archangel Flame (which requires proficiency in 3rd tier magic) then there's no way she could also be good with close quarter combat. Lastly, there's no way Ainz would know how Pandora's actor would be alive and heard all those things he said back in Yggdrasil, he wouldn't even remember it, so it makes no sense for Ainz to know how Pandora's actor understand the word. But these are all nitpick, definitely not enough to stop me from enjoying this fanfic, thank you for your work writing this.
Juan Sotomayor chapter 1 . 4/6
Amazingly written. Rand solos the entire overlord verse with a blink of an eye though.
UndeadLord22 chapter 8 . 3/30
... yeah im taking a read on this now
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