Reviews for Project: ARES
dragonfighter11 chapter 14 . 7/20
Really hope the pairing is Penny. She's adorable and they're basically soul mates by now lol Just really hope when the beacon arc comes around, if it does, that Jaunes brain doesnt get hacked through Penny or something. That OP virus that Conder places is kinda bs imo
tsun chapter 12 . 7/18
great story. it's started boring but now its shaping up into something.
IROCK108 chapter 14 . 7/11
Super noice.
godivalovecraft chapter 14 . 7/2
Awesome story friend! Is this a Jaune X Penny story or a Jaune X Winter story? Both ships are extremely rare so I'm having an extremely hard time choosing which I might prefer. On one hand, Penny is extremely cute and adorable on the other hand, Winter is such a tsundere.
Love the story~
Guest chapter 14 . 6/6
Interesting story so far. I hope you continue it. I’ve enjoyed it so far, and aside form a few spelling and grammatical errors, which are few and far between, it’s pretty well written. I hope you update it soon.
Deathtrooper900 chapter 14 . 5/26
I just read through professionArc and decided I wanted to see more of your work, I’m really liking this premise and I’m excited to see where it goes, keep it up!
PhaedoSymposium chapter 14 . 5/21
Yeah, so I just read through proffesionarc and this in like less than a week, this is really really good stuff, lot of spelling and grammar errors but you mentioned its a foreign language so I respect you more for writing in it. Now back to how great these are I love when people actually explore and adventure in fanfic and dont just copy paste into their chapters. Great work also the dialouge is really fun to read. More penny acting as cortana pls, although I really read her as a female Jarvis.
Nubtastic chapter 14 . 5/18
Nice chapter! Glad you're back, I hope quarantine is treating you well! (as well as it could get at least) Just wanted to point something out:
"The Room is basily interactive dream" should change to
"The Room is basically an interactive dream". That's all, thanks for the chapter!
Oz chapter 14 . 5/13
'Preforming CPR for the past two minutes', that was great!
Thanatoast03 chapter 14 . 5/13
Whew, I'm glad you're back, at least! I really enjoy this story, so i'm glad you still update it.
Crusada de Lata chapter 14 . 5/14
Great story so far, the companionship of Jaune and Penny is equally as great but I wouldn't be surprised if Jaune started calling his trainer a Snow Devil
Guest chapter 14 . 5/12
Oh well, at least Jaune has that smokin' hot wife to play vidya with
H chapter 14 . 5/12
So I found this today and binged the entire thing. I'm not usually a fan of this ship but this is really well done, not to mention they're so cute together that I genuinely can't wait to read when she gets a body. Also, I very much would appreciate reading more fluff between them. I'll be waiting for the next chapter, good luck
Guest chapter 14 . 5/12
Crusada de Lata chapter 3 . 5/14
Reminds me of Advanced Warfare I think, the whole VR training while being operated on. Beautiful execution nonetheless
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