Reviews for Whose Child Is This
Hanna Konwent chapter 4 . 9/23
Rewelacyjnie napisane .Super .Gratuluję talentu i pomysłu.
Shyblueeyes chapter 4 . 5/20
With just the right amount of suspense, you helped Jane get his wings. The kind of situation you put Jane in is the perfect, with Lisbon at his side. Ingenious and entertaining. You’ve got the talent!
anasantos17 chapter 4 . 12/20/2019
Such a great read! Thank you for still writing for this fandom!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/18/2019
On your past form, I thought Patrick would end up in hospital. Well he did but I am very happy it was for a different reason. I always loved the times his innate kindness came through during the series.
Many thanks for a lovely Christmas story.
LouiseKurylo chapter 4 . 12/19/2019
Very satisfying. Your twist elevates it above the usual Jane/family in peril to something far deeper. This trip to the mall would leave them all with a far more meaningful Christmas story than dozens of clever, cute Christmas family photos. Unlike some stories, Jane isn't willy nilly bestowing monetary gifts on the needy like Santa Claus. Jane's benevolence in your story is believable. It arises naturally from a frightening, intense encounter with a man who faces the type of loss that so profoundly affected Jane's life. Nicely done. Thank you.

P.S. I'm relieved their baby was never in real danger.
LouiseKurylo chapter 3 . 12/19/2019
Nice build of tension, believable explanation of Will's state of mind and emotions. Terrifying situation for Jane.
LouiseKurylo chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
Great to see another story. The theme is certainly season-appropriate, though I'm apprehensive about a plot involving danger to their child. Still, looking forward. Thanks.
Rosepeony chapter 4 . 12/18/2019
Beautifully handled.
A nice reminder of what a good and generous man Patrick Jane is. He just hid it well sometimes.
Have a lovely Christmas.
nitro9 chapter 1 . 12/17/2019
Whew! You were making me nervous. Happy and fluffy is much preferred for Christmas (and kid) stories. Haha, but they still ended up at the hospital, didn't they? Thanks for all your Mentalist stories.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 4 . 12/17/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I hope you will still carry on writing these great stories and please send me the links. Also I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Rosepeony chapter 3 . 12/17/2019
Very tense ... and Jane handled it well so far.
All we need is for Lisbon to be patient !
A very original story. Thank you.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 3 . 12/16/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I cannot wait for the next instalments and links. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming. I would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Rosepeony chapter 2 . 12/16/2019
Sorry this is late ... weekend!
Isn't this just what real life is like ... except our traumatised stranger ... the lost wallet, the Christmas bustle, the multiple missed calls. Very nicely observed.

I have a feeling our stranger is not so much malicious as damaged ... his second encounter with Jane could go either way I suspect.

Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
Great to have another story so soon and with a beautiful depiction of a happy, peaceful home.
Gather it won't last!
Munkeyfump20 chapter 2 . 12/14/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I will look forward to the next instalments and links. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming.
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