Reviews for Xantipphe Takes the Driver's Seat
Yesterday's Secrets chapter 11 . 6/26/2013
Well, isn't that cute? :) Truthfully, I had never considered Uo and Kyo as a couple before but now, well it made me realize the possibility of them being together. I was originally a shipper of KyoRu but your YuRu fanfics opened my eyes and made me a shipper of both couples. Unfortunately, even though I find KyoRisa a cute couple, it just doesn't work for me. See, I find Arisa a tad selfish in this fic. Especially with that apologizing part. Yes, it is only right for Kyo to apologize for his fit but Arisa too, must apologize in return because she's also at fault here. Ugh, her self-centeredness and her pride makes me so damn frustrated. Anyway, the story has a cute plot. Make more stories
loretta537 chapter 10 . 6/27/2008
this is such a great story, i hope you update it soon.
anelyna chapter 10 . 10/19/2007
the last update date says 2004! we're in 2007! can u finish this fanfic?
anelyna chapter 11 . 10/18/2007
this is awesome..can't wait for more! pls update!
katdemon1895 chapter 11 . 10/14/2007
you are such a great writer and this is such an awesome story! please please add another chapter as soon as you possible can!
loretta537 chapter 11 . 8/27/2007
Hi, this is a great story. You said you only have 2 chapters left so could you please finish it?




Fizzy Fitz chapter 11 . 8/6/2007
awesome just awesome too bad it's almost over i can't wait for the next chapter!
angelgrl chapter 7 . 7/16/2007
HI!just wanted to remind u that you still have a story to finish and i would really love to read the end. you're very close to finishing and i really love this fic and i dont want it to be left like this. i really enjoy kyo and uo's relationship development and i really like how you incorporate the funny, with the romance and the bits and pieces that make this story so good. one of the things i really enjoy was in this chapter when uo starts to talk about fairy tales and barbie dolls and how they fill lies into a girl's head, so when they grow up they can distinguish what is fantasy and reality. then there are these little lessons of life that you put into this story and then the humorous parts which gives this story a great balance. i really hope that you wont give up on this story and it doesnt matter that it turns out to be kyo and thoru cause this is the author basically has all the power to do what they want. i really enjoy this story and the depths of the character development and the layers that you put into them. so, love love love this story (obviously) and i cant wait till you finish.
ranchan-akari chapter 9 . 4/29/2007
Why? You say there's only a couple chapters left but you've yet to post! Please spare me the agony and finish the fic! Please! Thank you. TT_TT
JadeWolf chapter 11 . 11/4/2006
Can you update? I really like this ALOT! Please, if you see this, update straight away! I would really like to see how it ends.
Major Fraiser chapter 1 . 9/23/2006
OH-MY-GOD I LOVE THIS FIC! But it has been a long time since you updated! Please remember that you have many, and I emphasize many, faithful fans waiting for the release of the final chapter! Oh ya I want to let you know that I think Uo and Kyo are the best couple in the furuba world and I'm glad you could pair tohru and yuki. We're all waiting .
angelgrl chapter 11 . 8/26/2006
loved this..yes, i'm reading this again. i cant help it. its so good and its very enetertaining when ur bored out of ur mind...i hope u will update this. u havent for 2 years, but u updated about a daddy and a nanny, so i know u will update this one...i can't wait!
angelgrl chapter 11 . 8/18/2006
wee! second time i read this. loved it! cant wait until you update!
angelgrl chapter 11 . 7/13/2006
wow...the last time u updated was 2 years ago...anywhos. luv this story. when i saw this story on one of my favorites author's fanfic list, i didnt really think that this story was any good, so i decided not to read this, but on this faithful day, i was bored and i was like what the hell, so i clicked on ur stori and began reading. i was wrong. this story didnt suc...this story was ONE OF THE BEST I HAVE EVER READ. i have read a lot of stuff thatz out there and believe me, there is a lot of trash, but i think that this one really is a good story. and i hope taht u will continue this stori. i really enjoyed this. also...i think taht yuki gonna ask tohru to marry him! lol..luved how u used uo saying the fairytale's conclusion! i really hope that u will update soon!
Grinning Cat chapter 11 . 10/9/2005
Rare indeed is it that I can find a good UoxKyo fic. Thanks for making my day all happy and stuff. :

Can't wait for more.
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