Reviews for Any Means Necessary: Rising
TheOnlyKing chapter 15 . 4h
Thanks for the awesome chapter man looking forward to the next one
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
The SB brainrot is real
Guest chapter 13 . 7/19
So none of the magic is useful to him and neither are the magical items? Why is he even still here? Not dangerious? And yet a small group of average mages could easily kill him! Is that not why you have had him avoid all fighting and use pure intimidation and bluffing? He has almost ZERO magic.. he's fast and strong, so what! He's got his magic absorbing sword... the only thing he seems to be able to use in this entire story! 13 chapter and thats all he's done! Not a single other thing! ARe you planning to wait until the last 3 chapters to give him ANYTHING worth while just like your last story? Where FINALLY he got around to getting some half assed barely worth it "upgrades" that Buffy the Vampire Layer can top? Maybe he will get a total of TWO spells after the entire story that he can "sorta" use... like the last story! Iv read "slow build" stories.. and this isnt one! Your not being realistic your just dragging your ass and being boring! Apparently based on your own comments your boring yourself too! He doesnt need "strong" enemies... he never bothered to fight a single strong person in the entire Worm world! Beyond being there when Lung was beet i dont think he was even around for a single other fight! Damn i just realized he's a yellow bellied wimp who has girls fight every single battle he's ever been in! Ignore all this it pointless i know hate your story and cant go on now that I realized just how pathetic he was/is... fuck! Wasted my time reading that first story!
James317 chapter 15 . 7/17
Well, in Worm the entity’s are present in all dimensions of the same world. So they connect from Earth Aleph to Earth Beta and potentially to all Earth’s including Saito’s.
IIRC Cauldron can go between different Earth’s, even ones inhabited by non humans (can’t recall this if it’s true, but I seem to recall reading that case 53s are all dying people who get pulled from their Earth in the moment of their death and get offered a vial, and some of them aren’t human even before they take the vial).

So in theory, if he can control Shaitan’s Gate, he can go to a version of Earth, and from their find his way back to Beta, creating a route to transport any number of Parahumans to and from Halkeginia.
RTNK chapter 15 . 7/16
love your story please update soon
ZhaWarudo chapter 15 . 7/16
Nice that you're paying attention to reviewers. I won't try to tell you what to do, but I can give you something to think about. In the old days villains were plain evil and that was it, but they weren't the protagonists. Now that started being a thing, they are humanized, we understand them but also they have redeeming qualities. Don't do that and the audience won't like it. Your story is suffering or even lacking until you correct that, protagonist being a sociopath is the premise but it's funny for you to say you can't do anything about it, you're the author! The God of this world. Throw a wrench in it but don't let it crash, thrive on it. That's my challenge.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/15
FerunaLutelou chapter 15 . 7/15
Society does care about the student status, but not that much. The main reason is because students' parents expect their children to not just sit on their asses for 3 years and do nothing, especially if these families are directly involved with the military and/or royalty.

About the titles. Its not that strange that they are given to students. They are nobles first, and everything else second. Also, even tho the students act like children or sometimes are treated like children, they are technically adults. They don't really have/need to study in the academy.
A Lost Nuffians chapter 15 . 7/15
Noooooo Matilda! Revive her please!
Athreya chapter 15 . 7/14
Great update Keep up the good work
Guest chapter 15 . 7/14
Best world for him to end up in is Aladdin.

Find the genie, and set up a persona of being a good person. Use the first wish altruistically, establish a rapport with the genie with that and promising to free him.

Free him with your second wish, and then ask him to give you the most amount of power he can while keeping you free n all.

That'd be a fat amp.
itsMARWIE chapter 15 . 7/14
Still adding reviews ~
KingOfEternity chapter 14 . 7/4
damn it's a shame tiffania is dead, she was hot
Guest chapter 14 . 6/30
There was a scene in the anime Overlord where he was very annoyed when the adventurers he was partying with were killed by another. In the grand scheme of things the adventurers were never apart of Ainz plans for they were only there to spread his legend. You can make the same argument with Matilda. If kladieus just leaves her to die and call it a day it can hurt the reputation he carefully tried to built since coming to this world. You can also argue that Kladieus hero persona will make it his duty to find the missing Matilda in order to appease the students their cries of worry.

In the end I think Kladieus should save Matilda or my view As Kladieus as a character will Be lessened. Sure, the explanation Kladieus gave of leaving her to die is what an evil, selfish, antihero SI that this fanfic advertises. We know what we signed up for before reading this. But with my Overlord example the illusion Kladieus the hero gave will crumble with his reputation being undermined. News travel fast between tristam and reconquista and I am pretty sure they know that the man with the strange represent armor is the proclaim hero traveling with Matilda and it will soon get back to him that he did not save Matilda. I may also be a little biased because I have a soft spot for selfish sacrifices of what Matilda is doing trying to save her friend.

I also believe Kladieus will grow as a character in the future. I love anti hero MCs because they are the most realistic seeing the truth and reality behind the cliches. But you get to the point where constantly being manipulative will seem kind of edgy and the best part of every tale is the redemption arc.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/30
Loving your fix so far. But in chapter 13 I would have really loved if you had put Saito’s reaction of Kladieus has modern earth magic. We hasn’t revealed he was familiar of earth or know of modern technology yet to Saito. And for him to readidly accept the smartphone with no sense of longing or exclamation makes me think this was overlooked and a minor plot hole.
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