Reviews for Walking the Path
R reyes chapter 3 . 9/12
nice dude more of this i read the previous story and i was sad that bell can have kids please give her the ability to do it cud be cute seeing little pixies with dragon like powers and a nightmare for those who mess with them please do it dude
Firehedgehog chapter 3 . 8/20
Guest chapter 3 . 8/11
Make issei neutral he will not fall in love with rias and the orc girls beside irina and. Asia
Guest chapter 3 . 8/8
Dispite how much I like your work Asia's kidnapping is so contrived. At Issei's power level he would've had no issue destroying 3 low ranking fallens in the blink of the eye.
clown2107 chapter 3 . 8/7
I find it curious that Issei can summon a demon without the need to use a COMP unlike the previous version, although I can be wrong and in the following chapters Issei does have a COMP.

I also find it curious what Bell said "As you are now", which makes me think that Issei is not quite human.

I'm not sure if Asia will turn into a Devil, since when Issei used Salvation he recovered the Sacred Gear from Asia.
And speaking of the Salvantion, it seems that this version of the ability is much more powerful, as it was able to return the Twilight Healing to Asia that Raynare stole from it.

Is it my imagination or does it seem to me that you nerfed Issei unlike the previous version? since when Issei uses Salvation he himself decays, something that in the old version did not happen.

PS: Don't you think you are being too hard on yourself when you criticize chapter three of the previous version you wrote?
PersonaJoker chapter 1 . 8/7
Is this based on SMT nocturne? Couldn't help but see some similar to it
plums chapter 3 . 8/4
Honestly, it’s the same story so far with an edge lord Issei with questionable strength
AnimeA55Kicker chapter 3 . 8/2
Bc the majority of fanfiction is shit, so we will read just about anything coherent.
BoredKing chapter 3 . 8/2
Who would honestly want a boring life? Save the boring for when your old and incapable of enjoying the chaos. Sure being in the chaos that fill most mc's lives would suck at times but it wouldn't be nearly so bad if they just learned to enjoy the inevitable. Like Goku, he sees insurmountable odds and just does what he can while enjoying it. No angst or brooding needed. Though it looks like your making Issei's backstory really dark and fucked up so maybe the angst is actually a core part of this story and not just a byproduct

Bell is pretty OP if she slaughtered all the fallen that easily, makes me wonder if Issei is more like support or if its cause the seals that he obviously has on him that he didn't do it himself.
Spartan3909 chapter 3 . 8/1
Thanks for the chapter _.
frankieu chapter 3 . 8/1
nice chapter thx for writing it interesting plot developments
nice with saving asia will be interesting to see what the devils think on on happend and how they might have the wrong idea's
Dylan-A-Friend chapter 3 . 8/1
Aeterna Bell chapter 3 . 8/1
Loved it. I am curious however as to what kind of seals he has on him. And which demons he has as well as which summoning apparatus he possesses.
Dauntes chapter 3 . 8/1
Dang dude, very much enjoyed the new chapter. Thanks so much for writing it. :)
yomunot chapter 3 . 8/1
Whoo good to see an update!
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