Reviews for When Brighteness Dims
Andrea Nike chapter 16 . 7h
I was going to say I didn't like Mal here but she's actually great!
The pictures are an awesome idea!
Andrea Nike chapter 15 . 21h
You haven’t just broke a piece of my heart, nope... Poor Robin!
Andrea Nike chapter 14 . 8/10
I don't know what it's sadder: Robin that thinks Regina wants to break up (and in a way he's right) with and John saying she's found someone else or Regina that thinks she's stopping him from finding love.
They absolutely need to see each other in a way or another.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/7
Love this story! Please let them meet each other again.
Homogentisic Acid chapter 17 . 8/8
Oh wow so awesome! So glad we get to see more of this verse!
MJRL chapter 11 . 2/24
I really hope they can meet again and Regina can have access to her money. Also, they can have a normal life with people who really love. I think Regina and John could be friends if Regina told him where Tink is. I love this story.