Reviews for People Care About You, Chat
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 2/12
This could lead into a reveal.
Decker389 chapter 1 . 2/11
Hm interesting
The Multirat chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
I loved this OS so much, but I'm so hardbroken Chat Noir is actually this underrated by the characters of thes how. Everyone talks about Ladybug... But what about him? He's always saving her back because she's to busy looking after Paris to look after herself.

This was awesome, at some point I thought you were going to get Marinette akumatized for the misunderstanding and I was so ready.
mayuralover chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
That was a great story! Really getting this perspective of what it means to be Chat with his powers. Just a heads up, early in the story, there's this line, "Ladybug was the epidemy of creation.."
The correct spelling is "epitome." What you used means "pertaining to an epidemic, a disease."
OwlPoisson chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
This was a really great read. I'm happy that Adrien's whole situation was addressed, because he could totally act like a villain, but he's caring, and kind, and loves his friends. Ladybug defending him was great, and I bet if anyone was accusing him of anything in the cannon show, she would do the same. Also, everyone using "Chat" in fanfics instead of "Cat" is great. Even if it is French. (French is great by the way)
BeObscureClearly chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
Ugh my heart :
That was beautifully written omg I actually cried hahahahaha
HarmonyHarpshine7 chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
Oh my gosh! That was amazing! The only thing I can think about now is this debate going further until he finally snaps, which would make a good sequel. But it was amazing just the way it is! Good work!