Reviews for Chaos Theory
Griever130 chapter 4 . 8/21
Only 15k words but so much potential. Please consider continuing this. It would be crime for it to remain as short as it is.
DangerousFox682 chapter 4 . 5/2
Finally, a good frickin story to read
Diaspared chapter 4 . 4/3

I love how frenetic this story is, the madcap swapping between perspectives does wonders for sprucing up the plot.
JeaSonDash chapter 4 . 2/12
If only you didn't put a lot of words "Fuck", then this story would've been better. I know Persona Series mostly is M rated but still...

Also this fanfiction is T rated, so if you put inappropriate words, change it to M rated.

Btw I like the story, keep up the good work
Necromancer Robert ShadowBlade chapter 4 . 1/19
It makes sense that the Messiah(simply gonna call P3 Makoto that) is pissed off, especially since as far as we know, Erebus is still around. Yu and Akira just doomed Humanity in a year if Erebus isnt truly dead. Unless you are gonna go the route of Yalbadoth or how ever you spell his name technically killing Erebus when he briefly took control of Humanity's will to choice( and as such, will to want for death).
Out of the three, I have to say the Messiah is the strongest( a Universe beats a World, plus it's harder to seal an world ending enmity, nevermind 2 world ending entities then it is to kill 1, 1 that didnt want to end the world, but to control it)
Rinnegan no Madara chapter 4 . 1/19
Keep it up!
SkellZero chapter 4 . 1/18
YIKES, Ren should straight up tell him that Elizabeth had him do it and that’ll make Makoto ease up
TheTrueOverlordBear chapter 4 . 1/17
Uh-oh. Quite a scene's coming up next, then! I can see how more interesting these three Wild Cards interacting can be! Seriously, I feel like I hadn't thought hard enough about the implications of Ren being a rebel, especially if he ever has to interact with the likes of Makoto Blue and Yu as they are after the latter two's stories had ended. That, and perhaps this can make for a deeper tale about their respective core themes!
Rinnegan no Madara chapter 3 . 1/12
I can't wait for all the characters to meet each other. Keep them coming!
punksonic chapter 3 . 1/11
The first chapter had me at a loss as to who was speaking for a bit but I really love how everything has sort of just come together almost naturally. Absolutely crazy how well this is written, can't wait for more!
TheTrueOverlordBear chapter 3 . 1/10
Ah, a new sort of Dark Hour? Could it have been made by Makoyuki (And I guess I'll call the other Makoniji now, hahaha), much like how the rest of SEES drew in the Abyss of Time? And did Elizabeth just turn Ren's gun into an Evoker? Man, this is becoming even more freaking exciting!
luisAM21 chapter 1 . 1/10
Can you put some sort of sign for us to know when there’s a separate scene? It’s getting rather confusing... other than that this story is great! Keep it up!
Rinnegan no Madara chapter 1 . 1/10
Great chapter. Can't wait for more.
Soul Reaper With a Core Drill chapter 2 . 1/9
interesting concept well written keep it up man cant wait for more.
Rinnegan no Madara chapter 2 . 12/31/2019
Great chapter! Can't wait for more.
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