Reviews for Hell's Storm is Brewing
Cer1992 chapter 8 . 1/5
Hellstorm joining the Legends sounds cool. I also enjoyed the Snart/Sara reunion. I think Snart will make a great father. I can't wait to see Barry's reaction to him being alive.
Cer1992 chapter 6 . 1/4
Yay! Snart! Always good to see him back! I hope he sticks around for good. So sad the canon writers wasted yet another interesting character after so much potential. Thank goodness for fanfiction. We have the power to fix what canon screwed up.
Cer1992 chapter 5 . 1/4
I agree with you on Charlie. Didn't really care about her at all and she didn't bring anything useful to the table. As for Mona, I've never been more annoyed by a character before in my life. I hope they get rid of her in canon and I hope she doesn't last very long here too. It seems as if the Arrowverse gets rid of and/or waste all the more interesting people only to replace them with a lot of these crappy new characters. For example, they won't bring Slade back but they'll shove Batwoman endlessly down our throats.
UltraPhantom chapter 9 . 1/4
When does the new update of flash meets another time line flash who is with Iris
Green Hal37 chapter 8 . 1/1
Nice lineup members for the Legends, Raptor2216. You are still creative since Worlds Collide, Heroes Clash.

I love that casting choice for MACU Mephisto. Being played by the guy who played Darth Sidious in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I wish Darth Sidious had more screen time.

Why didn’t Snart question Stan Lee how he knew about Sara Lance being Snart’s ex? It’s not like Sara is the only single mother with a son living in the apartment building? Also, Sara should hope no one recognizes Leonard Snart from his criminal records.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
If You re looking for an actor for Mephisto, I suggest Ian Mcdiarmid, known to Star Wars fans as The Emperor
Green Hal37 chapter 7 . 12/30/2019
I was expecting Snart to say more about Robert, instead of staying quietly baffled.

Loved that “Bored now!” from Snart interrupting Satana, before blasting her.

The Legends should be traumatized by just looking at Mephisto’s face and hearing his voice. I know I would be traumatized by seeing a frightening looking demon.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Have Satana played by Sandra Bullock or Angelina Jolie
Daimon should be played by Tom Hardy, if he isn't Eddie Brock in the MACU, or possibly have Andrew Garfield
Aragorn II Elessar chapter 8 . 12/31/2019
Great ending.

Satana got exactly what she deserved.

Good riddance on Mona too.

And Captain Canary is back. I liked them together too.

Looking forward to the Crisis on Earth-X story.
Green Hal37 chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
Loved those “Mick and Loki enjoying the fact that they are stealing” scenes. The rest of the team didn’t even seem concerned.

Leonard Snart is a boss calmly saying they had work to do, while there is a demon about to be loose on countless universes.
Stand with Ward and Queen chapter 4 . 12/31/2019
Loved the Thor reference this chapter.
Green Hal37 chapter 5 . 12/28/2019
Loki dressed in all black makes sense, seeing he is mysterious to others. Thor would be laughing if he saw Loki tossing the saloon mug like Thor did when he first arrived on Earth.

I don’t know who Charlie and Mona are on Legends, because I stopped watching the show after the first minutes of season 3 episode 1.

I was not expecting Mephisto to exist in the MACU.
Aragorn II Elessar chapter 7 . 12/30/2019
Nice chapter.

So now Snart knows about Bobby. I think I know how that will turn out.

Loved the fight scene and loved Loki using some more magic than he does in MCU. And loved him stabbing Satana in the back.

Nice cameo by Mephisto and nice way to send him back into the portal.

Looking forward to the ending.
Jp721 chapter 6 . 12/28/2019
Are you planning on doing Captain Canary (Snart and Sara) after Snart meets Bobby?
Aragorn II Elessar chapter 6 . 12/28/2019
Great chapter.

And Snart is back! Yes! I loved the guy and still do!

So nice of you to bring him back.

And I loved the Loki/Mick team up. That was hilarious and awesome and gave me some good laughs too.

Let's see how Snart reacts to his son.

Looking forward to next chapter.
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