Reviews for You Were There
pupsicle chapter 1 . 5/19
nooooo :(
i hate it when a major character dies
i get too attached to them, even if they're fictional characters
bk201fan chapter 1 . 4/1
The sadness of loss and hope for the future. A short but great fic.
skystar99 chapter 1 . 3/21
Okay.. This story broke my heart unlike the others :(((
Guest chapter 1 . 1/10
I'm gonna go register ma name, then come back here and retype the heartfelt awesomeness of this story...I still don't know how you manage to touch me rverytime Renny, it's like a gift for my heart thank you
Animeguy1101 chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Well this was a nice sweet story, sadly course but still sweet.

Although I can’t help but wonder what happened to One for All? Is it gone now that Izuku died without passing it on? Did he have time to give it to someone before his death?
Axlexington chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
Thankyou for the tidal wave of emotions. I don't know how to feel after reading that but I am in tears if that says anything. goddammit and thankyou
AshPli chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
I have a terrible love/hate relationship with major character death stories. On one hand, it is sad to read the death of a character I love and on the other it makes for such a good story as this one which shows how much of an impact their death would have on their world and characters.
All in all a pretty good story that took me to the blue side of the emotional spectrum.
Luffy15 chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
Why are you like this? I was happy today.

But seriously, good short story, but it felt a bit... muted? Or maybe that was what you were going for? That numb feeling after something horrible happens? I got that from this.