Reviews for The Patron Saint of Lost Causes
MissStubborn chapter 17 . 4/22
"From desert rat to General of the First Order, miner's daughter to Senator's son, they all deserved a chance to reach and grow and learn and love"

I believe that, in these horrid times, this is exactly what we needed. Thank you so much for this!
theatrchy2004 chapter 17 . 4/19
Aaaaaagh! I don't want it to be over! This fic has given me life since its inception. Just beautiful.
PinkTribeChick chapter 17 . 4/19
What a wonderful ending - especially the kitten! I hate to see this story end, but I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Wonderful job!
ghibli3624 chapter 16 . 4/17
so good, love seeing gingerrose stories!
Leona2016 chapter 6 . 4/6
Okay, stop it, just stop this madness! Yet another superb chapter, geez, do those just grow on trees where you live? haha Oh Huxie, Huxie, don’t blame the TIE computer, not its fault that you’re falling fir this woman hehe Oh and Rose, you’re way passed ‘affinity’...just saying ;) Also, if they can tinker with a First Order pod and not kill each other, I’d say they got it covered for the next forty years haha Simply too many instances of delicious banter, too many to quote here in any case or this review will be 1k. Just one more thing, I’m so with Rose on wanting to touch his hair, just once, that sounds so like me, especially that hysterical voice in her head goading her to do it haha And nice bit of power play there. Do really feel sorry for Hux having a panic attack, but made for a nice bonding moment, nothing like some good old h/c. And I LOVED that this was the first time for him to say her name. And that last, I tell you! Okay, I should stop rambling (and fawning! geez, what am I, shameless? ;) Take care and thank you for writing and sharing this~~~~
Leona2016 chapter 5 . 4/1
...Dang, this might be my fav chapter so far...hmmm...why do I feel I’ve said/felt that with EVERY chapter?! haha Seriously, I love the psychological and emotional depth of this story, every thought and feeling make these characters so incredibly real. Oh. And you’re a master at dialogue...yeah, pretty annoyed at that! Do me a favor and be less of an awesome writer, would you? ;) Really liked Rose’s conversation with Rey as well, the latter felt refreshingly mature and realistic and like a Jedi fitting for this new era. Both Rose’s and Hux’s eyes are straying in interesting directions methinks...and both feeling delightfully bashful about it hehe So much fun to read. Having Hux use his tech knowledge to help Rose out was a good move, they can do some more bonding over circuitry and servos...pretty darn romantic strangely enough. The end was just fantastic, his frustration with his monotonous existence leading to that confession...*grins triumphantly and nudges Rose in the ribs: he LIKES you!*
Anyway, I should wrap up this review by thanking you for writing and sharing this~~~
theatrchy2004 chapter 14 . 3/29
Ahhhhh! I look forward to these updates every Sunday. Crossing my fingers for a happy GingerRose ending!
FluffyFox chapter 13 . 3/27
Thank you for the update. This story really makes me take a second look at Hux and oh the possibilities.
Leona2016 chapter 4 . 3/26
Hello there! So sorry for going MIA, I got caught up in writing an ep 9 rewrite and then I was hesitant to continue reading this story...because it’s just so darn GOOD! You write so incredibly well, the dialogues are just perfect: intense, just the right dosage of cynical and sarcastic, emotional and believable. I don’t know how you do it but you make these characters so incredibly real! Not gonna lie, TOTALLY jealous of your Hux, simply love how you write him... And really, really enjoying Rose as well, you give her the depth she deserves. Yup, definitely on board the GingerRose train! ;) This chapter was beyond great, the dynamic and interaction between Rose and Hux is evolving from one scene to the next and the inclusion of both their thought processes, memories and emotions make them such interesting and round characters: awesome job! And then you slip in these beautiful sentences like ‘He (...) folded the jacket with solemn reverence, as one might fold a flag upon the casket of adead man.’ ...just shoot me through the heart and be done with it, why don’t you? haha I’ve got to keep faith I can write like you one day! Thanks so much for sharing and I’ll be reading on, might need a day or two between each chapter to make sure I don’t explode from jealousy/admiration! ;) Take care and stay healthy in these crazy days~~~
ghibli3624 chapter 6 . 3/25
"Death won't take you, Armitage. I won't let it."

I got some shivers from this bit
ghibli3624 chapter 4 . 3/24
so happy I found your story!, there needs to be more Hux and Rose in the world
theatrchy2004 chapter 13 . 3/22
Aaaaagh! So good! So scared for Hux though. Reeeally hoping this doesn't turn into a tragedy.
adi143 chapter 11 . 3/9
The Gnomist chapter 11 . 3/9
I love how he still has loyalty
Sad the lt was killed for it though
Guest chapter 11 . 3/8
I love it!
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