Reviews for The Next Unknown
RinWyn chapter 3 . 11h
Okay, I DID NOT expect the story to go in this direction, and yet it's quite a pleasant surprise. I now find myself invested in the lives of those washed up on Arendelle's shore.

I love the way you have written Anna. There's a delicate balance achieved between her navigation of her role as Queen (in which she's succeeding), and her naive disposition, through which she's still trying to figure things out for herself as she learns to be Queen. This is wonderful to read!

Oh, and Oskar WESTERGAARD?! Dum dum dummm.
RinWyn chapter 1 . 8/11
Whoa, okay.

First chapter in and I'm hooked. The hook? T'was this:
"She was a teary smile giving him her blessing to marry the person at the centre of both their worlds."

UGH! Heart. I love the seamless interactions between the characters throughout the layering of the groundwork for, what I can only predict to be, an epic of a story. I'm so grateful this was recommended to me!

Let me just get buckled in.
MagicOfDisney chapter 12 . 8/4
I stumbled across this story after seeing some fan art. I haven’t read any new stories in so long I’ve struggled to find any that keep my interest but this one has. I’ve really enjoyed so far the story isn’t too far fetched and you keep it interesting. You have a great understanding of Anna and Elsa’s relationship with each other and you've managed to write Queen Anna without changing Anna’s personality which is great.
Keep up the good work
CallenAmakuni chapter 7 . 8/1
I grouped both Ch 6 and 7 here, cuz FFN hates me apparently.
Well. Um. I am...

I don't know. I think for the first time ever I am speechless.
Feels weird, innit?
I read somewhere that unspoken words are as important as those we say. I think I just understood why.

Anna's anxiety attack... It made me uncomfortable, but in all the best ways. I felt for the girl, having gone through something so horrible must have done some damage. As I said, I have no words.

I shared Elsa's pain when she figured out why the Nokk wouldn't answer, and when Ahtohallan went silent. Poor horse. Hopefully we get to see it again at one point.

And Anna understanding why Elsa is scared of leaving her, why she apprehended her reign... Sisterly love as its finest, with all the good bits being, again, unspoken and thus incredibly rewarding to catch.

The transistion Belland made from what Anna thinks are his own words to what actually were Elsa's...

The funeral, Anna wielding the arrow, Oskar's tears... Anna is now a big sister.

I guess you understood why I emphasize unspoken words so much in this review. Hopefully you'll understand the impact you had without me laying it down.

So I guess what remains to say is: thank you.
CallenAmakuni chapter 5 . 7/31
So yeah FFN decided not to keep my review.
Too much gushing I guess? I'll keep it civil this time. Try. Maybe.

As always, you work magic. Honeymaren and Ryder are siblings all right. You struck that *I hate you but I'm the only one that gets to call you names also I love you* vibe that suits them so well.

This time's quote is "Merely the privilege of asking for it." You have a way with quotes. Are you a professional quoter? That's probably not a thing. Sums up why Anna is a terrific leader: she leads by example.

New headcanon: she's actually Captain America.

It was nice to see Elsa in the Forest. Her harmony with the spirits ticks or the right spots.

Nice going, and another cliffhanger to keep us hanging on a cliff!
Thank you for writing!
elicas chapter 12 . 7/30
Second time reading this thing. I tend to notice that your works needed to be read more than once to fully comprehend what exactly was happening. It's fine, though; just a liitle confusing.

Please continue (but don't rush), am invested on this. Lovelots!
Hydroxide chapter 11 . 7/29
Once again, your skill as a storyteller shines through! The scene of Hans struggling underneath the (psychic?) torrent of water is vivid and disturbing, and through those few lines of dialogue afterwards, you manage to paint with a few brushstrokes an image of the Westergaard family.

As someone who actually has a sibling who suffers from regular night terrors, the scene with Anna and Elsa hit particularly hard. The sense of helplessness at seeing them trapped in half-sleep while you're trying to wake them and comfort them afterwards is beautifully poignant. And again, your skill at snow-sisters fluff is unparalleled.

And cheers to Kristoff's Bizarre Adventures volume one! Looks like it's not getting off to a good start. Here's to hoping Weselton has habeas corpus...

PS. The line "Thank you for being born, Anna" gave me a tingle of warmth. This, coming from someone whose writing is replete with violence but devoid of warmth, I'll carry with me like a spark.
Emberhee chapter 12 . 7/27
I feel bad for the duke. I like Erling.
And I’ve always liked Anna, but this is the fic in which she has ever really interested me by herself. That impress me.
Collington chapter 12 . 7/26
Dude. Seriously. DUDE. That is not the way to treat your loyal readers! Not cool man! Ughhhhh. Now I'm going to be thinking about this until the next update. Great writing, as always. BUT THE CLIFFHANGER. :/
ziel101 chapter 10 . 7/25
I adore your writing and this entire fic in general, but I have to say the ending of this chapter with Anna and Elsa's spat was so well written and In character and just so GOOD.

I saw it in my mind. I love it. I LOVE how you write these two. I love you for this
spade1412 chapter 12 . 7/24
Great chapter!
FrozenLover67 chapter 3 . 7/24
Wait, whaaaa? What a cliffhanger.

Ryder is precious and must be protected at all costs.

Also, I really loved the line, "It was my generation that put Arendelle on the wrong side of history, Princess Elsa. But yours is the one that's rewriting the future." Very profound.

Love, love, loving this!
FrozenLover67 chapter 2 . 7/23
"She was beautiful. She was not sleeping." Oh, my heart. I don't know why, but these two lines really stuck with me.

The council scene was icy and calculated, and I feel like I learned so much from it. Beautifully written, but that's to be expected from you. Also, "You're human." melted my soul because we all know that sometimes Elsa needs to be reminded of that.

Amazing. Truly amazing.
Riordantrash chapter 12 . 7/23
Mattias better still be ALIVE...
AND I really wanna see Anna in a ponytail too. The style just fits Anna so well. Irrelevant, I know, but really.
bearhow chapter 12 . 7/23
“I’m 21 I want a knife to.” Is a typical Anna line that’s amazing. I find it hard to believe you have no sisters of your own considering you write them so well. I guess that’s why you’re the “queen of the snow sisters”. Haha.
I see you ended on a cliffhanger. Bad, bad, bad.
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