Reviews for Linc 10 Alien Force
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28
When Albedo first uses the Ultimatrix.
At the entrance of Albedo’s lair, Jetray drops in and changes back to Lincoln.
Lincoln: This is the place. Hopefully, Clyde and Pop-Pop has got everyone by now. (yells inside) You can come out now. I know that it’s a trap. I’m not just gonna walk in there.
Albedo:(walking out) You don’t disappoint. I'll come out, then. And you're right, it is a trap.
Albedo activates the Ultimatrix and transforms into Negative Humongousaur.
Lincoln: I see you got your knock-off Omnitrix working again. Good. (cracking his knuckles) Now I won’t have to go easy on you.
Lincoln activates the Omnitrix and transforms to even the odds.
Humungousaur: Humungousaur!
N-Humungousaur: It’s not a knock-off. It's the Ultimatrix, and it's a definite improvement over the original. Wanna see? (turns the Ultimatrix symbol and it pops out) Not only can I transform into anything you can, but I can also evolve those creatures to their Ultimate Form.
Humungousaur: What’s this now?
Negative Humungousaur slams the Ultimatrix symbol, and transforms into a hyper evolved Vaxasaur.
N-Ultimate Humungousaur: Meet... Ultimate Humungousaur!
Humungousaur: Okay, I’ll admit that is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, but bigger and tougher guys that you, lizard boy!
N-Ultimate Humungosaur: Really? When?
Humungousaur: For starters... how about now!
Humungousaur charges toward Negative Ultimate Humungousaur and they begin their battle.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28
Here’s my take on when Lincoln finds out he’s a parent(if you plan on doing that episode I mean)
Big Chill: Go on. Fly.
With that, the little Chill flys after its brothers and sisters in space leaving Big Chill staring up at the stary night sky, then turned back into Lincoln. Lincoln looked around confused and then turned to his family and friends for answers.
Lincoln: Guys? What are we doing here? Why are we here for that matter?
Everyone looked at each other perplexed, knowing they have no way to answer that.
Lynn Sr: Son, you might want to sit down for this.
After climbing out the crater, they showed Lincoln his offspring, with the sisters and Sam smiling.
Lisa: Congratulations, big brother. Those are your children.
Lincoln:(shocked) How?
Lisa: According to this, Necrofriggian, that’s Big Chill’s race, lays eggs once every eighty years or so. The offspring will live in space where it’s cold, and they feed on solar plasma.
Stella: That’s too bad, because those little Chills were just adorable. And we should have guessed it from his weird food cravings and the mood swings.
Clyde: You know, it’s funny. For obvious reasons, I always thought that Lori would be the first of your sisters to have kids.
Liam: My money was on Leni.
Rusty: Luna had my vote.
Zach: Same for Luan.
Lori: And do you know what this means?
Sisters: We’re aunts!
All of the girls squealed in excitement that made the guys cover their ears.
Lincoln: Alright! Enough!
Lynn: Sorry. But I was hoping to bust up another rogue alien, like we did with... What was Ghostfreak’s real name, again?
Lincoln and Lucy: Zs'Skayr.
Lynn: Oh! Yeah, like we did with Zs'Skayr. But I guess up becoming aunties more than up for, Mommy.
Lincoln:(deadpanned) You don’t have much of anything planned for tomorrow, right?
Lynn: I’m meeting up Margo and the team, tomorrow afternoon. Why?
Lincoln: Because you need to get out of the house.
Lynn: And?
Lincoln: Get a hobby!
Lynn Sr: Okay. That’s enough. I think after a day like today, your brother is really exhausted. So why don’t just go home.
The Loud’s got into their respective cars and Lincoln’s friends on their boards and went on home.
Ready Steady Write chapter 4 . 7/22
I really hope Alien X will show up at some point.
JPhing88 chapter 1 . 7/20
Love the story's a big shame that this is not one of new favorites due to the lack of chemistry between R.A. and Lincoln. I get that you want to change it a bit due to Bobbie and Lori but still...I really wish for R.A. X Lincoln chemistry rather than Lincoln X OC (because it is a little difficult for me to imagine the scenarios). Good news for you though that your prequel of this fanfic is one my new number one LH Xovers fanfic. Keep up the good work.
pj04042000 chapter 10 . 7/16
i hope the next chapter comes soon
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 10 . 7/15
Hehehe! I'm liking this story.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 9 . 7/15
Beast Morphers Power Rangers? Did not expect that twist at all.
NeoNimbus chapter 10 . 7/14
Great chapter right there. Good to see Lincoln, his sisters and the Power Rangers teaming up and they'll definitely need it when they go up agains their common foes as well.

Looking forward to the next part to see what happens next. _
johannvanguard chapter 10 . 7/14
It's good that Lincoln told his older sisters about the evil bots and the Power Rangers, and the girls decided to come back to help their brother. I like that the Power Rangers decided to research the alien hero sightings and figure out who it is. It was crazy that both groups were at the Burpin' Burger, where Lincoln met one of the rangers, who figured out he is the alien hero. At the Loud house, it's great that the Power Rangers introduced themselves to Lincoln, and told him they knew he was the alien hero. After explaining their origins, I'm glad Lincoln and the rangers decided to work together to stop their enemies. For the next chapter, I wonder how the heroes will stop Evox and Splice.
HEROS Central chapter 10 . 7/14
Go go Power Rangers!
tylerchavis97 chapter 10 . 7/13
Nice. Totally worth the wait.
Shadow Joestar chapter 10 . 7/14
KO awesome chapter, Lincoln and the Loud Plumbers have met the Power Rangers and explain things to each other about their enemies teaming up. Now the heroes do their own team up to stop them from unleashing their evil plans.
Hikari Ino chapter 10 . 7/14
Awesome job
DragonEmperor999 chapter 10 . 7/14
This was worth the wait

I love it
TopGun1986 chapter 10 . 7/14
I can't everyone's reactions to the megazords!
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