Reviews for Belonging
kansa chapter 7 . 7/30
Good idea for a fix. Thank you for writing this.
107derwent chapter 7 . 2/14
I really loved this story. It was concise and so powerful! I like to imagine that this is what really happened after the movie. It feels rightgreat job with this one! Hope you keep writing!
107derwent chapter 6 . 2/14
Yes yes yes! His crystal is hers now, and his heart too hahaha it’s perfect! loving this!
107derwent chapter 4 . 2/13
Wow! The choice of a lifetime! And what a beautiful encounter!
107derwent chapter 2 . 2/13
It was really hard when Rey finally said it out loud what Ben had done to her in Exegol. I felt so much for her! And the fact that she kept her “relationship” with him a secret this entire time, it must’ve felt so lonely. I’m glad she told Finn about it. Anyway, amazing job so far!
nicholsndimes08 chapter 6 . 1/30
Love this sorry! Keep it coming!
Drama chapter 6 . 1/29
Loved this! Is it really the end?
ToughSpirit chapter 6 . 1/28
A very hopeful chapter, so good.
WhatIsThis'Sleep'YouSpeakOf chapter 5 . 1/25
So glad I found this story! The way you use unexpected words in absolutely perfect ways... like: Now he tasted densely of hope. Densely! So perfect!

And addressing your earlier chapters: I'm so pleased with your representation of Finn and all their friendship moments. It was secretly my headcanon that Finn was going to tell her he thought he was like her (force sensitive), so I'm delighted you thought so too. And the glowing way you describe Finn, it's obvious you find him as warm and wonderful as I do. Too many Reylo fics don't do justice to this gorgeous, deep friendship (and gorgeous, big hearted friend). I may have come here for the Reylo (and it is very good space cake indeed), but I'll stay for the Force-Finn.
Samantha chapter 4 . 1/20
Hope it works out. God bless.
lovemisery chapter 4 . 1/5
I love this and can’t wait to see where it goes!
philonto chapter 4 . 1/5
Do update... I wonder what an angsty win-win would be like... Balance to the Force is important, the Resistance's role still relevant, and can the two somehow survive it all, together? Jumping through a time portal seems too easy, at this point... But maybe pondering options through Force in one of the decisive battle moments on Exegol can provide an expected solution... It can t be easy, but there must be something... I think I m actually hoping for a time crystal, not a time portal itself.
juniperbrea chapter 2 . 1/4
This chapter elicited a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes! Loved Finn’s confession. You have an excellent grasp on imagery and forming cohesive thoughts that flow. Keep it up! I look forward to more.
juniperbrea chapter 1 . 1/4
Beautifully written.
Brisingr13 chapter 2 . 1/4
This chapter really struck me with the natural similes, I enjoy how the comparisons bring to mind the idea of the Jedi aesthetic.
From past experience, I don't think allows multiple reviews from one person to one chapter, so I won't be able to make notes if I find anything while rereading, but no small things jumped out at me this time around.
I'm looking forward to what's coming next, thank you for what you've written so far!
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