Reviews for My New Family
Not Maple chapter 1 . 6/28
This sounds similar to While We Were Gone by Giminia Wow
Suzie kessel chapter 2 . 6/7
Please update
Babysis64 chapter 2 . 6/3
wow Alice and Edward went on the reserve not good at all. So Jasper and the other vampires and friends are allowed on the reserve, since they saved Bella and brought her back. I sure the heck like this story as well.
Babysis64 chapter 1 . 6/3
this was a good prologue I thought. Wow so Damon and Stefan and Caroline are going to help Bella I hope to get her out of what ever is going on right.
Kyra chapter 2 . 3/16
Please update soon!
kouga's older woman chapter 2 . 1/22
More please
Windwoman chapter 2 . 1/5
You have something fun going here but your bringing in your characters in a messed up order making it hard to follow. Also why how did the people in Forks and La Push become friends with the people from Mystic Falls.
I am interested to see how you tie everything together. I hope before you bring Nick in.
iygyfgy chapter 2 . 1/4
interesting, thanks ;)
more please
tinkermist99 chapter 2 . 1/3
plz update
traceybuie chapter 2 . 1/3
It looks like Edward and Alice WANT to die. I'm down for that. Giggles... Thanks for writing and sharing.
traceybuie chapter 1 . 1/3
Bella seems more traumatized than she was in S.M.'s world. I wonder what happened. Thanks for writing and sharing.
Kyra chapter 2 . 1/3
Nice start! Although I hope you go back in time so we can see how the relationships were form! Can't wait for more! Update soon please!
Roxhall1 chapter 2 . 1/3
Hopefully you continue this story. Really enjoying the beginning so far
QueenElsaSalvatore chapter 2 . 1/3
i like it so far