Reviews for Skip and a Jump
ILikeShorts chapter 1 . 4/10
You had me from the opening. The first lines, the list (how very professor of them), Hop ticking off daydreams and trouble sleeping on it... perfection.

I like the way you wrote Gloria, soaking up the attention but down-to-earth at the same time, and Hop as well. The part where he thought about how Bede and Marnie would handle being Champion, but tried not to think about how he'd fare as Champion anymore just got me.

The scene where they admitted their feelings was especially well done, sweet but not too over the top, the way they went from teasing to serious and back again, and the dialogue felt realistic.

Beautifully written all around!
Cocofoshosho chapter 1 . 2/5
This was so sweet! Loved every bit of it (:
Krav chapter 1 . 1/3
That was adorable and I loved it.
Maia the Writer chapter 1 . 1/3
This is a sweet one shot here. I liked how you explored Hop's and Gloria's friendship and eventually relationship. You brought out a lot of deep characteristics in Hop that I thought were great. I also liked how Gloria loves the crowd and her fans, but feels like she can be tender and loving around Hop. I thought Bede was an interesting side character here. He still has some arrogance, but his character has improved with being the fairy type gym leader and under Opal's training.