Reviews for The Human Ranked Dib
Murdock chapter 33 . 5/31
This is great. Don't listen to nobody else putting you down. Saintheartwing is a asslicker that needs to fuck off an die
SaintHeartwing chapter 33 . 5/25
“Ignoring the whole taking over the Earth thing”, uhhhh...that’s kind of the whole reason this happened, this was almost totally Zim’s fault. Millions if not tens of millions of humans are dead because of what he did.
GiratinaBeelezemonblaster369 chapter 27 . 5/4
I'm loving the direction your taking this, I also love that the field barricade encompasses the skool. and finally I find it hilarious that out of all people that could somehow live that long, IT WAS MRS. FLIPPING BITTERS!
SaintHeartwing chapter 16 . 4/10
I get the feeling you want us to feel bad for Zim...but I don't, he's ruined the Earth, taken over the galaxy, destroyed any resistance, he's a horrible person.
Thel310 chapter 12 . 4/1
Can’t wait for the next update
Thel310 chapter 11 . 3/29
Well that’s interesting
Now there’s one thing I want know is
Does Zim have a Cult or something like that?
Thel310 chapter 9 . 3/27
Cool hope for more soon
Keep up the good work
Thel310 chapter 8 . 2/26
Stell seems to be a bit of a fanatic
GuenZhenXuan2020 chapter 8 . 2/25
Thel310 chapter 7 . 2/23
I read through it and I think this is a good idea maybe get a POV from the current invader Stell