Reviews for It Happens Tonight
DetectiveMinerva chapter 1 . 7/8
Aww, this is cute! The scenes between Anna and Kristoff during the actual wedding night are sweet and sensual, yet tasteful, and I love how you've made Kristoff such a gentleman. Of course he wouldn't want to hurt Anna, and it's utterly realistic that they would take it easy the first time. That scene with Olaf was funny, and yes, I have a feeling these two will be working on taxes for quite a while... with a royal heir as the tax refund!

My only criticism is this: all the good-nights at the beginning. It was a tad redundant, although you did make me think of "The Waltons." ;)
pchanpro chapter 1 . 3/9
Cute story. Felt like half of the story was them all saying goodnight though. Overall it was good and I enjoyed it.
Cre8ivelybankrupt87 chapter 1 . 1/27
Okay, this premise is just plain hilarious...
Olaf... the annoying innocent child of Elsa (basically) wandering in on... adult time.
This does fit with his characterization as he struggles to try to understand little by little what it means to be alive... or human... and now he and Elsa have to have... the talk. XD
What are they doing in there? ... okay, I have a pretty visual imagination so I can just picture the completely guileless way Olaf would ask that and then the wide-eyed look of terror Elsa would have in response...
Working on the kingdom’s taxes... working on the kingdom’s... ahem, future leadership so to speak...
This legitimately made me bust out laughing. Thank you.
Whoops, I thought we were going to skirt around flat out addressing it. Haha, oh Anna you know how to make things instantly awkward. How very in character.
Hmm. They figured it out the first try.
That first half of the story with Elsa and Olaf had me thinking this was gonna be just played for comedy... and then it got so abruptly serious. How like life...
This was great. Thanks for sharing.
CrueFan21 chapter 1 . 1/10
Nice work! I'm planning on writing a oneshot about Anna and Kristoff's first night, except mine might go a bit deeper than this one. Great job!
Tucker Hawkey chapter 1 . 1/7
Wait was this posted on January 6th of this year? Impressive
bearhow chapter 1 . 1/7
Pfft! Poor Olaf, but he totally quoted “Full house” and it’s awesome.
IndyGirl89 chapter 1 . 1/7
As always, you never cease to entertain me with your stories. And if I’m not mistaken, I think I noticed a little Full House reference in there when Elsa is trying to explain to Olaf what Anna and Kristoff are doing in their room?
Susan Popplewell chapter 1 . 1/7
Sweet :) And I like how it wasn't very descriptive.
omelettethemusical chapter 1 . 1/6
Haha, cute. Although I think Kristoff should technically be a prince rather than a king.
Snowfall-In-Summer chapter 1 . 1/6
That was some good Kristanna! I especially liked the part where Elsa has to explain what Anna and Kristoff are doing to Olaf.