Reviews for 3,000 Years Later
Glitter1000 chapter 22 . 9/12
I love this story so far. I can’t wait to see more characters make an appearance and I have some suggestions for how you could include them. You could have Arthur be king of Camelot and have him preparing to go to war with Liones in order to stop the mistreatment of the Fairy and Giant races. You could even have some other characters like Jericho and her brother Gustaf, The Roars of Dawn, Howzer, Gilthunder, Griamore, Margaret, Veronica, Hendrickson, Dreyfus, Fraudrin, Xaratras, Matrona along with Zalpa and his kids Zol and Della, Gloxinia’s sister Gerheade, and of course Merlin and Escanor. Merlin would be in Camelot as Arthur’s chief advisor and Escanor would be there because Merlin would find him injured and unconscious. There could also be a plan to unseal the Demon clan in order to capture the demons and drain their magic. The sins could here rumors that a four armed giant with blue skin is being held in a recently built town. As for why Fraudrin is in Camelot instead of the demon realm a few demons didn’t get into the portal to the demon realm before it was sealed and these included Fraudrin and Zeldris. The reason Zeldris didn’t get into the portal is because he was severely injured while rescuing Gelda and he sealed her away to protect her before he passed out and was captured. You could introduce Gelda by having the sins hear rumors that a vampire was recently discovered and captured in a town that the sins are near. After the sins rescue Gelda she could tell Meliodas about what happened to her and Zeldris.
CaronShark chapter 21 . 8/21
Will Ban recover his memories? Great story btw love it
Silver chapter 21 . 8/17
No problem! Happy to comment.

Anyways, another great chapter! I do hope that they make it in time to save Elaine.

I wonder what will happen.
Silver-IronScript chapter 21 . 8/17
Nice! Silva’s back story makes sense now.

Anyways, I’m so happy that King and Diane reunited. Now they have to go save Elaine and the other fairies! Maybe getting Ban’s memories back while they’re at it. Actually, maybe when they meet up with Gowther, he can give Ban his memories back.

Anyways, keep it up! I wonder what will happen next
Silver chapter 20 . 7/29
It's alright!

Haha! I love how Ban and King meet again. I'm interested to see how King would react in the next chapter. I'm guessing that King'll meet up with the others and they come up with a plan to free the fairies. I'm also curious as to Silva.

Keep up the amazing writing! I can't wait to see what happens next.
Silver-IronScript chapter 20 . 7/29
Of course, when King and Ban meets again Ban’s likeWho are you?” I have a feeling that King wishes to stab him with Chastiefol.

Anyways, keep it up! I wonder what will happen next.
Silver chapter 19 . 7/13
Of course, King is working with Silva. Makes total sense. And of course, King would scold Silva for killing humans. I'm curious to know what they are planning.

I'm also curious on how Silva have a spirit spear, since spirit spears are made from the sacred tree. Since you hinted at Silva being from the future, that means that the sacred tree will be back. I'm also curious on who Silva is, like was she born from a plant or does she have parents?

Anyways, I'm glad that our favorite fairy siblings are live. My fingers are crossed that they others make it in time to save Elaine.

Keep it up! I wonder what will happen next.
Silver chapter 18 . 6/29
Also, I know that Galland ate his soul. But since your the author, you have the power to bring Zhivago back. And you also have the power not to. It's up to you.

Anyways, I'll see you the next chapter.
Silver chapter 18 . 6/29
I know the five people! In order, it's Elaine, King, Merlin, Guila and then Silva.

I'm glad to know that our fairy babies are still alive. I hope they make it in time to save Elaine.

I wonder what type of twists are going to happen. And I'm glad that you can envision King sleeping for a week. I can as well.

Anyways, keep it up! I wonder what will happen next.
Silver-IronScript chapter 18 . 6/29
Elaine, King, Merlin, Guila and then Silva(my guess for the five characters)

This is getting really interesting. I wonder what will happen next. Keep it up!
Silver chapter 17 . 6/15
This was great! I'm also glad that even though Ban doesn't remember the Sins, he know that he belongs with them. I'm also glad that Diane's fine.

Now then! To go and rescue the fairies!

Now I'm trying to think about what'll happen with them once their free. Since they can't just leave them, because there is a chance that the humans would recapture them. I feel like King'll use his magic and recreate the Fairy Realm. I also think that he'll make himself the anchor between the two realms, so that he knows that no humans will be able to hurt his people, because they will literally have to get through him. Maybe he gets his full wings once he becomes the anchor. I can also see him being exhausted after doing it, because it takes a great deal of magic to do it. He then sleeps for a week after he does that.

I just realized I've never asked, but at there Beastmen? If so, I can see the Sins hiding out with them to recuperate after a tough battle. Maybe Ban and Zhivago have a reunion as well.

Anyways, keep it up! I wonder what will happen next!
Silver chapter 16 . 6/3
What an awesome chapter! I'm glad that everything worked well.

Now then, to save the fairies! And maybe Ban'll remember when he sees his wonder wife. Or maybe he'll remember when King runs Chastiefol through his chest.

Anyways, keep it up! I wonder what will happen next.
Silver chapter 15 . 5/18
Diane! Please be alright! You have to live to see Harlequin again.

And what's with Kagome? Is she going to help the sins?

I hope Hazel is alright. She's starting to grow on me.

Also, Elizabeth's character is great! It makes sense that there is going be a slight difference in each of their character because we are looking 3,000 years in the future.


Anyways, another amazing chapter. Keep it up! I wonder what will happen next.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/18
It could’ve been so good... and then the grammar and punctuation... god, why
Silver chapter 14 . 5/4
Another great chapter! Why do I have a feeling that Ruqa is going to do something to Diane. Maybe it's just the way she's smiling.

Also, I'm glad that King and Elaine are still alive. Let's hope that they get to them soon. And with Hawk's Mom, let's just say she got reincarnated as well. There we go, problem solved. Now I'm curious if any of the Sins friends were reincarnated at well(their human allies).

Anyways, keep it up! I wonder what will happen next.
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