Reviews for Saying Yes
quietbeautie chapter 1 . 3/31
I just loved this... WOWSERS!
Jessicaa1567 chapter 1 . 3/15
Guest chapter 1 . 3/2
Damn that was hot
LadyDarvey chapter 1 . 1/30
Nannalyn chapter 1 . 1/20
Ooof! Reading the lobby scene written by you and for this prompt was AMAZING! You've analysed it perfectly and added this layer of physical attraction to it without overdoing it and I loved it! And this was just the beginning!
The transition into his dream and then back to reality was flawless!

I also love how they're not immediately on the same page in this story (compared to the end of 8x16), because they're at a different point in their lives and Harvey's struggles and Donna's insecurity felt so real and in character.
"Because the only normal I want with you is one where I wake up next to you every morning. (...) You're all I need." THIS PART IS SO BEAUTIFUL! My heart!

How you make the two of them kissing into a metapher is even more amazing than your writing is anyway, and then things are heating up quickly but JESSICA! WTF! I might've cursed when I read it the first time because I didn't see it/her coming!

"I've thought about this moment so many times and this is never how I envisioned it."
"I just never imagined there to be so much talking."
I can totally see them not talking much once all barriers are down and they know this is *it* and yet this conversation is everything and definitely possible! The little awkwardness and nervousness and the importance of that moment is so sweet! Loved it!

"Stop thinking and just let me love you." UGH! The whole smut part was absolutely wonderful and hot and the phone call with Jessica at the end made for a perfect ending. My heart is full and wow, this is really a perfect story of how it could have gone differently after 7x11.
Thanks to Pat for inspiring you with that quote and thank you for writing and sharing this with all of us! xoxo
Evenstar1002 chapter 1 . 1/17
Holy shit Emily... just rereading this all again for the review has me all excited and hot and bothered and YELLING AT YOU AGAIN BECAUSE HOLY SHIT!

I looooved all the introspective we got from Harvey because I’ve always been wondering what exactly went on in his head in this particular moment. And the way you described him just seemed *so* right and true to him, and this is definitely my new head canon! Loved the twist with the hardon, because I’m also pretty sure that this is exactly what could have happened!

“There's a beat, where they stare at each other, eyes ablaze, hearts pounding, harsh words hanging between them and then it's as if a switch has been flicked, a flag waved, a gun shot, a light changed. They stride toward one another and collide in the middle of the lobby, their lips meeting messily, angrily, lustfully. His arms wind around her impossibly tiny waist and he pulls her closer, her feet leaving the floor even in her 5 inch Louboutins.”
I’m trying to think if I ever read such a freaking hot, first kiss but I come up empty. This is literally EVERYTHING! And even if there hadn’t been smut later on, I would have needed that cold shower right after this moment (good thing I’m sitting outside in the cold right now).

AND THEN I ALMOST FORGOT IT WAS A DREAM UNTIL YOU CATAPULTED THEM INTO BED AND I WANNA YELL AT YOU ALL OVER AGAIN. The only reason I’m not is that I know what will come very soon. (*cough*Darvey*cough*)

Donna and Harvey alone in Harvey’s condo has my skin tingling with anticipation and tension!

I love/hate how Donna immediately jumps to the conclusion that Harvey wouldn’t be able to finish what he started once more because it’s just such a Donna thing and it’s perfect (and tragic)! But holy shit does Harvey proof her wrong... also with one of the most beautiful confessions I have ever seen *cryemoji*

“Because the only normal I want with you is one where I wake up next to you every morning. Where I can tell you every day how beautiful you are. Where I don't need to call you at six in the morning or at midnight when I need someone because you'll already be right there. You're the only person I want to tell when I have a huge victory or a terrible loss. You're the only person I want to come home to at night. You're it, Donna. You're all I need." ... the only normal I want... THE FREAKING ONLY NORMAL I WANT. I’m crying!

And then things are finally getting interesting like *that* AND FREAKING JESSICA C*CKBLOCKS THE SHIT OUT OF THEM! The only reason why I’m still not is because I KNOW WHAT IS COMING SO VERY VERY SOON!

I love how Jessica sets his freaking head straight and sends him after Donna, not even needing to ask any questions because she just *knows*.

Their little banter before they get it on is also so very in character and I’m in awe just how much I see and hear this in my head...
“I just never imagined there to be so much talking. You're not exactly… loquacious." *giggles* SO SO GOOD!

And the Sex... god, Em... it was PERFECT! I know we’ve talked about it... and I know you know my tastes. And I love you for taking that into consideration more than I can tell (even if you don’t have to do it and I’d still love it just as much)! And this truly was perfect. A perfect mix of hot and erotic and tasteful and romantic and meaningful, as I always imagine their sex to be. Thank you!

The whole ending is just as perfect and my heart is full. I’m so freaking in love with this fic. So so freaking much! Thank you again for writing it! And for sharing it!

Love xo
Bonnie chapter 1 . 1/15
This was amazing. The build up was incredible but torturous. It was totally worth it though.
PurryCat chapter 1 . 1/14
Great story, funny ending, thank you so much!
Sbstevenson2 chapter 1 . 1/14
Oooooomg I loved this. When the first bit turned out to be a dream I was like WHAT? Lol then when they were kissing in his apartment I was like “if this is another dream I’m gonna kill her” hahaha then Jessica interrupted and ugh everything was just so perfect. Him going after her and then his speech about her and how they just laid side by side for a bit. It was so intimate but also everything was so sexy. The ending was adorable too! Loved this!
poeticandvaguelysweet chapter 1 . 1/14
Ah yes! I loved this! What a fun way to still incorporate the hurt that happened after that 7.10 kiss, acknowledge most of the repercussions but then still have Harvey come to his senses. This fic both hurt me and healed me, I loved it. And so hot!

Thank you for being inspired and sharing!
Fmadchensgirl chapter 1 . 1/14
This was soo good! I laugh
PrisonBreakFan08 chapter 1 . 1/13
Loved this story! Surprise twists, angst, introspection, smut, banter: it had it all!
AimeeValle1 chapter 1 . 1/13

First of all, i loved the trickery at the beginning. It was like the best surprise ever when I realized I still had the big moment to anticipate. I am a sucker for the build up - and that was spot on!

I love the way you included so much of the story line but provided background thoughts and insights we didn't get from the show! That's EXACTLY what I'm trying to do with my fic and it's so fun to read it all from another perspective. Well Done!

The sex was super hot but I loved how you included some small talk and their silly personalities.

Loved every word!
ASnackForAlways chapter 1 . 1/13
HOLY SHIT! This is sooo good! I loved every second of it!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13
That was some hot smut. But also emotional. Loved it.
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