Reviews for I Love You - Three Years Later (now AU)
Penelope Chestnut chapter 2 . 5/22
I enjoyed this chapter, although I think it will always hurt a little bit to think about that phone call.

Since Sherlock deduces that the coffin is the most inexpensive and simple coffin, I don't think that it is solid either. If he got splinters they would be too small to notice I think. Or you had to get a close up of his hands to see it.

I'm glad I took the time to read your Journey story before I read the rest of the stories and their wonderful family life.
EllemichelleP chapter 2 . 2/19
Awesome story!
Sci-fi Christian chapter 2 . 2/15
Awe...tears! But happy ones! This was beautiful. Got to say I loved Molly watching Sherlock's reaction in the video and her leaping into his arms.

What a wonderful addition to the Sherlock fandom! I loved every moment, even Mycroft's scenes with the little girls are so sweet! Great job! :)

As for the favorite stories as a child, my mom would read me everything from Bible stories to long books. I don't believe I had a favorite, but I did have three favorite movies: The Great Mouse Detective, 101 Dalmations, and The Princess Bride. (Needless to say, I burned my mom out of the first two! LOL!)
MegK1978 chapter 2 . 2/13
I thought this was a great way to take a break from your WIPs, and I really enjoyed it.
Just imagining Victoria and Christina made me smile. I can imagine how cute they would be!
Starlordjr chapter 2 . 2/7
I think this was a beautiful chapter. It showed how Molly and Sherlock have grown, but that the scars are still visible. Fantastic!
Starlordjr chapter 1 . 2/6
Oh my! Poor Sherlock! Poor Molly! Teletubbies is painful! I wonder how Molly will react to the video? I am excited!
KathyG chapter 2 . 1/27
That was a hard video for them to watch, but it was much easier for them to watch it then than it would have been 3 years before. I'm really glad that Molly saw what Sherlock had been made to go through, just to try to save her. And that Eurus is actually changing for the better is indeed a miracle! :)
KathyG chapter 1 . 1/27
Seems that some things never change! [g] I remember Sherlock's ranting when he's watching TV during that scene in "The Great Game."

He may not approve of "Teletubbies," whatever that show's about (I take it that it's a British children's show), but since Victoria likes it, it'll be a pleasure for her to watch. And she'll certainly enjoy the toys and books she's received, won't she?
WanderingSoprano chapter 1 . 1/26
Ahh you are a master of domesticity! It comes so naturally for you!

Had a lot of nostalgia reading about the tellitubbies-gate, and I reckon other readers will have too!

“I believe you could (...) my love” this made me smile awww.

I enjoyed reading this shifting dynamic, where there lives have altered so much but Sherlock is still actively taking cases, and Molly is as invested with interest as always. Adored the line about he similar pout between father and daughter aahhh!

You always characterise Mycroft very well. He’s a gem! “Your young one has (...) saw her”. Also the fact that her gifts are intended for educational purposes is perfect! Apart from that teletubbies DVD hahah!

The remark that Molly is grateful for Mycroft’s small affection with “Actions spoke louder than words” was lovely!

Didn’t expect this to the gift oh goodness! This will be an emotional minefield, I suspect.

So cute that you’ve used the tiger who came to tea! Awwww

Sherlock pointing out the factual errors of that book really made me chuckle! And it made me smile that you’ve drawn details from the new animation too, very cleverly!

A lovely study of domesticity all in all, excited to see their reactions to the Sherrinford footage!
AKLise chapter 2 . 1/23
What a lovely story! I like your extrapolation on the coffin,; it makes a lot of sense.
I thought Myc’s introduction to the video was funny too!
Elizabeth Robello chapter 2 . 1/23
Hello dear friend!
The truth is that you are right ... I had never realized that he commented that the coffin is made of pine wood and then broke it as if nothing, and he had no even one mark on his hands! It was surely a script error. But, as Sherlock was mentally exhausted that day for what happened, maybe he didn't realize it was fake ... just like the room in which he was locked in at the end. So, I think your theory is valid.

On the other hand, I was thinking how common is that the day of a love declaration is recorded...I would be nice to see it from time to time... but a normal declaration not this! LOL
Anyway...I guess it is a good idea that they see it... If I were Molly I would be curious to know what really happened that they.

Very good tribute.

mamabear04 chapter 2 . 1/22
Whew, that was a bit rough but I've always wanted to know how Molly would react to seeing all of that footage. It's like you said being told is different from seeing it and even seeing it isn't any where close to what it is like to being thru it.
SammyKatz chapter 2 . 1/22
I like your version of the coffin. It makes sense. A glimpse into their lives,the changes in both brothers, Eurus being helped are very nice. Thank you for your story.
comp1mom chapter 2 . 1/21
I did love this as it gave Molly a bit of context to understand where all these previous tests were leading to. Mycroft's concession of Sherlock and Molly's relationship is especially poignant. Good writing.
ninewood chapter 2 . 1/21
That was a good ending. And I did notice Sherlock's hands were uninjured after he smashed the coffin.
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