Reviews for Lachrymose
Guest chapter 4 . 7/1/2016
this is amazing! dark, twisted, awesome! :) your snape and narry are excellent
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Vikkisoon chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
Hello. Can I translate your story on russian and publish it on /fanfiction. It is russian site about funfiction.
Arina-Lero chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
Dear Armand Malfoy!
Recently I have read your fanfic, "Lachrymose", and I want to say that it is really great! Thank you very much for writing it! Would you mind, if I translate this fic into Russian, and post in on Fanrus ( .net)?
I will make sure to credit you as the author on the fic. Also, any additional information (like your email or website) can be listed as well, if you wish.

Thank you once again for your wonderful work!
Saint Snape chapter 4 . 8/10/2014
Wow, totally upsetting mindfuck. You don't know what Severus said was truth or lies. I can understand why Harry is obsessed.

Brilliant story!
Sneery chapter 4 . 12/3/2011
This was a cruel piece of fiction, and I'm very impressed by it. It held so little emotion, and yet, that conveys what was lost to Harry, to Sirius, to Snape, who was just perfect, cruel and bloody and just like I always imagined he would be if he had survived the end.

Thank you, my heart is broken. This might just have been the last Snarry I ever read, since it was what I always sought in fiction.

Thanks again.
hmcomet89 chapter 4 . 12/8/2010
One of the most beautifully written stories I've ever read. And that's not just fanfiction. Utterly disturbing and yet perfectly so. The characters are wonderfully developed and though I was horrified to find myself gaping when Harry turned Snape in, it shows how wonderfully you've written the madness.
daxi chapter 4 . 10/5/2007
That was very disturbing. I still don't know whether he was telling the truth in the end or not, I mean, it could just have been another mind-fuck. But I doubt it. Brilliantly written story, I can totally feel Harry. There's just this apathetic cloud over the story. I wasn't horrified over the brutality or the craziness (well ok, the madness was a bit unsettling) I felt numb but at the same time I could feel the caffeine, like a balance of numbness and restlessness in the brain. Erm, well I just realized that that didn't really make any sense, but it was a felt when reading your fic. Amazing work, you deserve more reviews for this!
Bubblefang chapter 4 . 10/18/2005
This was amazing. The Machine shocked me - so violent and sadistic and...evil. I remember reading something about Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom? earlier in the story.

Harry was so sadistic to force Severus into that Machine.

But this is a great story.
Anya chapter 4 . 6/16/2005
Wow. That hurts. My eyes are stinging and my heart is aching, and I love this story. It's so painful and realistically tinged with unhappiness, and absolutely fascinating, what with the doubt and confusion surrounding Snape and how you can't help hoping there's some explanation and accepting it when it comes, just like Harry. And the end... wow. All hope was crushed, and that's a good thing. Excuse me while I read the sequel...
MPS chapter 4 . 3/4/2005
wow, that was an amazing story. So fucked up and confusing but so sad and real. I really don't know how to describe it. I loved the end, how it wasn't a happy fairy tale ending with poor Snape being the tragic figure and them frolicking happily off into the sunset (btw I do realise I can't spell, sorry). Loved the note on how cafeine negates veritaserum. How AMAZING. Especially after all those references to cofee in the text! I think it adds so much more dimension and tradgedy to story, how Snape seemingly became crazy trying to protect Harry and now he's murdering all these people that Harry loves. But that he still loves and saves harry. And how Harry still loves him, even though he can't condone the way he has become. The last lines were particularily poignant. I know this is a very disjointed review, but anyway, I really loved your story. It was trully original and you did not use any easy way out to make it happier or whatever (and in doing so lose much of it's strenght). I feel the story ends perfectly as it is. I always feel it is best to leave some things hanging and not have everything all nicely wrapped up for the reader. However, I know their is a sequal, and seeing how I have no restreint whatsoever, I will go ahead and read it. Hope it doesn't ruin this story...
willowtree16 chapter 4 . 3/2/2005
that was an amazing story. i almost cried. your an excellent writer.
willowtree16 chapter 3 . 3/2/2005
is the cat snapes animigus? it wood explain alot. either way its a great chapter.
Skylar chapter 4 . 1/26/2005
Wow. I've never read any HP/SS story like this before. I found it linked at ~snarry_reader, and began reading before I had to go to school. Needless to say, I missed my first class and read the first two mind-blowing chaptes. I merrily returned from class and finished the last two chapters. Wow (did I already say that?) This story is absolutely brilliant. I felt like the world of Harry Potter was so much more real because the magic wasn't as emphasized, and Harry seemed more human than how he's characters in other fics.

Marry me?
Rarity88 chapter 4 . 1/23/2005
This is such a haunting story. I love it.
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