Reviews for Never Change
scarletfeline73 chapter 2 . 3/13/2007
I love this pairing, you have to keep writing it!
Annika chapter 2 . 7/9/2004
I loved it!

Please finish it please.

I want to know how it will end.

so PLEASE finish it _
PegasusRider chapter 2 . 11/19/2003
AW I LOVE this story! Please please finish it! *I'm a BIG Haru Tohru fan!*
Romea chapter 2 . 9/23/2003
I just read this fic, why did you stop writing! it is so good! The language is beautiful, witty and clever, it was a long time since you updated, I pray you continue this, I'll put this on my favorite stories.
Meifu chapter 2 . 9/20/2003
Aw! *tear* So sad! Please update A.S.A.P! _
kairi chapter 2 . 9/12/2003
aw that was so sad!

please u have to update

great fic, i luv it!

i also luv hatsuxtohru and tohruxakito fics
kairi chapter 2 . 9/12/2003
aw that was so sad!

please u have to update

great fic, i luv it!

i also luv hatsuxtohru and tohruxakito fics
Mistress Joy chapter 2 . 7/30/2003
ah, I wish I understood and knew these stories better. But besdies the fact that I'm ignorant to whats going on with Haru's family, its really a wonderfully written story. The way you desribe things are beautiful. I enjoy the images you create greatly.

Musouka-Sama chapter 2 . 7/29/2003
How sad! WAH! He's leaving her! And she waited for him too...CONTINUE! I HOPE YOU UPDATE SOON!
Deanna chapter 2 . 7/28/2003
That is kind of depressing. I hope that Haru relizes that he is wrong. I can't wait 'till the next chapters. Please hurry.
Susan chapter 2 . 7/27/2003
Oh that was so great. Please Hurry with the rest of the story. I just can't wait. HURRY!
Branimira chapter 1 . 6/23/2003
This story is really good! I love the Thoru/Haru mixabsolutly cuteI hate that you might stop writing this,just like your better if you didn't know fanfic,so please keep on writingKeep up the good work
Mae chapter 2 . 5/23/2003
((takes out a box of tissue)) wah! that was so sad...poor,poor Tohru...Haru can't do that..he can't! and Haru's sister is taking mah Aki-baby away!wah...((sniff,sniff)) I think Tohru should pay Haru a lil visit and set him straight..he,he..n maybe another Sohma or Amhos will fall 4 her n make Haru's life a living hell until he apologizes and confesses he luvs Tohru..ahahahahahahahahah..welpz, can not wait 4 the next chap..bai-bai!
kcarrie chapter 2 . 5/21/2003
I really like where this is going! _ so cute so far! but haru is so mean! T.T well please update soon! Really really anxious to read more!
Azn ChibiSweetpea chapter 1 . 5/20/2003
Waah! Why did it have to end there? It seemed like haru was a little OOC but I kinda liked that side of him! I also like how you reflected tohru’s personality cuz people always make her apoligize too much! Usually I don’t like HaruxTohru but this wuz good… Please continue soon!
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