Reviews for Miraculous Cinderella
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 1/21
First up, a warning. I always start with the bad points and move to the best. I like finishing on a good note.

I'm going to tell you something.

When I opened this fic, I expected it would be bad. Terrible even. At most, it would be mediocre. First fics normally are. (Miraculous knows mine wasn't my best.) But you seemed willing to learn, so I decided to give it a go.

I'm happy to say that I was wrong.

Granted, it's a little unpolished in places. Kings abdicate (or die), not retire. Some of the explanations could flow better into the narrative at points. And show, rather than tell a bit more. Details like Adrien and Chloe's relationship history and Alya and Nino dating are good examples of where showing would work better than telling. (For example, have Nino kiss Alya when they meet instead of saying that they were courting or have Chloe talk more about her friend Adrien and/or talk to him like they know each other and visa-versa. You get the idea.) Occasionally the flow feels a little disjointed, but not massively so.

Also, I don't think that Chloe's father would have that kind of control. Towns and cities tend to be more independent. And nobody could force her to be a servant.

But most of these problems are relatively minor. In the most polished parts especially, it works really well. The dancing, the escape at midnight, Chloe's spiteful destruction of Marinette's dress, the ending all feel like that they belong. It's cute and moves at a decent pace and compared to some more experienced authors on this site, it actually gets it mostly right.

Yes, you do need some polishing in places, but trust me when I say that you're actually a decent author. And, especially with the attitude that you're showing, you WILL get better.
MiraculousTheorists chapter 1 . 1/21
I love this AU! It is a great idea and the first me this line of AU that I liked! Please continue to write, and I'll be waiting eagerly for your Robin Hood AU