Reviews for An Echo of Defiance (or: Dragon's Dragoon)
BaddieDZ2 chapter 1 . 7/21
Oh yes, good, start another story you're too stupid to ever finish.

Just like all the other stuff you're written.
Legion29 chapter 6 . 7/7
It's so hard to find good final fantasy xiv fics that when you do find them it's like finding an oasis in the desert when you're about to die from thirst.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/29
Will you ever update wand and shield
Raj8 chapter 6 . 2/23
An interesting story so far, it's interesting to see Colin of all people being a protag and it's nice to see him so engaged in figuring out how this world works. It will be interesting to see where this goes in the future.
Spacegoodra chapter 6 . 2/23
I barely know anything about Worm, and I know practically nothing about final fantasy, but this is such a joy to read. Eagerly awaiting more!
Bubblezmith chapter 6 . 2/13
I love how your asking all the right-ish questions.
Super read so far.
Delphine Pryde chapter 6 . 2/7
You've got me hooked.
Astromormy chapter 1 . 2/5
I am *so* glad you've come back to fanfiction. Your stories have consistently been some of the best stories I've ever read. The way you tell your stories goes so far above and beyond what most others can manage, you're in a league of your own.

With that said, I have to ask, will you ever be returning to any of your older stories, namely Wand and Shield and The Leaf's Naruto? With Leaf's Naruto, you kind you left off just as Naruto made it to Chunin, leaving the entire future open for that story, but with Wand and Shield, you left off just as Harry was about to venture back down into the Cancerverse with Thor and the Heros Three in tow to find a cure for Loki. That leaves you with a clear path forward for that story, so going back to it, ideally, may not be as hard.

Ignoring all that, even if you don't go back to those two masterpieces, I probably won't be able to stop myself from reading this. I know absolutely *nothing* about either crossover, but your writing is so good, I'm willing to give it a chance.

If you get a chance, I wouldn't mind if you sent a PM my way with an answer, if only so I know you read my comment. Thank you
Muminpappan chapter 6 . 2/2
well what do you know you aren't dead after all
obscurereader chapter 6 . 2/1
Please don't ever stop writing this. Worm fanfiction rarely gets good stories, you already have the experience to make this quite good.
KayVon chapter 6 . 2/1
I am loving this direction that you’re taking Colin. Also now that we know that the player character is still around it will be interesting to see if you will have them cross paths. In other words are you going to thread the path of canon or have Colin experience his own adventures?
Just in Jest chapter 6 . 2/1
This is great! It's been a while since I've played myself, but I really like fish out of water stories. Defiant's point of view and methodical attempts at understanding this new world is quite interesting.

Thanks for writing
Just in Jest
Bubblezmith chapter 5 . 1/23
Wow, now that is a very good Colin in a new world beginning. Very well done, thank you
Helig chapter 5 . 1/23
While the reused narrative of the beginning has been a little underwhelming (or perhaps luring into false expectations by design, hm) the story is slowly beginning to unravel into something more and something far more intriguing— with the allusions of missing memory on Defiant's part, old armor yet fresh limbs and now this mystic nostalgia. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Jigoku no Yami chapter 5 . 1/22
This has been most interesting. Don't see too many Final Fantasy cross overs. Let alone one set in 14.
I look forward to seeing more.
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