Reviews for Literally Just Fucking
Cricket chapter 1 . 1/28
First, you write perfect porn and I say without an ounce of jest or sarcasm that you should be proud 'cause it's a hard needle to thread; tasteful without being prosaic, descriptive without being crass, fun to read without being too cutesy to bother.

Second, more than perfect, the fact that it's MadaTobi is a goddamn public service and I thank you for your contributions given that I have made none and only like three people actively do.

Third, to answer your question, I have rather strong opinions on the matter of The Terminology of Smut and chief among them is that there is no good word for refering to a vagina so best not name it at all but -if you absolutely must- cunt is the least terrible of terrible options.

There is a similar issue with breasts; it's better to not name them at all, but if you must, breast is the least annoying.

As for the phallic side of things: cock. Dick has too many variable meanings and frankly it's not a nice sounding word, and I like some class in my depravity, if that makes any sense at all.

Ass/arse is the only winner there. I prefer ass over arse because I'm American and it sounds more natural to my ear than arse, but I don't mind it when reading.

So yeah. Keep up the good work and though I am unlikely to ever review again (it's just weird on porn but you asked so nicely on a subject I have Opinions on) know that I am lurking and reading and enjoying your writing.

*envision finger guns or a piece sign as I fade back into the black*
gojyo-lover20 chapter 1 . 1/24
Personally I prefer dick to cock lol The image of Madara fighting with Tobirama while sitting on his sick is hilarious to me lol