Reviews for Her Alpha
Guest chapter 55 . 2/15
I need more! I want a sequel!
LunaM303 chapter 55 . 2/16
happy endings I love them
catgrl chapter 55 . 2/16
Wow 51-55 was really good. Aww yay so Paul finally found a mate. Bella and Sam going to have a baby. That was a real good ending and to know everything is ok with everyone at the end.
fresh-BLOOD-was-drawn-2night chapter 55 . 2/16
I hope it’s not the end. Really enjoyed the story.
Taylor9901 chapter 55 . 2/15
I loved it. Great story
catgrl chapter 50 . 2/8
46-50 were very good. Poor Leah though hopefully she will be able to get fixed up. She will probably have to learn sign language along with everyone else. Can’t wait for the next update.
fresh-BLOOD-was-drawn-2night chapter 50 . 2/8
I hope Leah gets better and heals.
Guest chapter 45 . 2/5
Poor Leah, I never liked her character but I feel bad for her. At least no one died.
fresh-BLOOD-was-drawn-2night chapter 45 . 2/6
Really loving this story.
catgrl chapter 45 . 2/6
41-45 Yay at lest Victoria is died and hopefully Sam and Leah will be ok soon. Can’t wait for the next update.
BukakkeGirl chapter 45 . 2/5
Poor Leah!
catgrl chapter 40 . 2/3
36-40 was good.. wonder if they were able to get Victoria finally. Hope for more soon.
catgrl chapter 35 . 2/3
Uh oh chapters 31-35 were good. Hopefully the pack get Victoria before all hell breaks lose. Can’t wait for more to come.
catgrl chapter 30 . 2/3
26-30 were very good. Uh oh Victoria is trying to get to Bella. So wonder what Bella has decided to do about Paul.
catgrl chapter 25 . 1/31
21-25 were very interesting and wow Paul admitting his feelings about falling in love with Bella was big. Wonder what going to happen next.
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