Reviews for The Godslaying Wizard
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 4 . 8/27
So she doesn't like being called out for laying down in a horizontal position? How utterly strange. I wonder if anyone else caught that
Guest chapter 7 . 8/12
went shit
Guest chapter 6 . 8/12
weak harry
Esmereilda chapter 7 . 8/13
poor dumbles ur treachery has been revealed by the one u sought to control XD
Esmereilda chapter 6 . 8/13
lol albus ur a fool if u think u can ever hope to control a campione 'snickers'
Esmereilda chapter 5 . 8/13
if any1 was gunna figure it out it would be luna XD
Ranmaleopard chapter 7 . 8/8
This is just really interesting and I can't wait for more
snowyassas1n chapter 7 . 8/2
Kind of a cool read, super slow burn type story tho.
Alexander Andersen chapter 7 . 7/31
love the story but wish you would not have harry be so humble it is almost Preachy and makes him feel like a marry soe just and idea but maeby go into what giving a human the power of a god can do to someone's personality and have his best friend be the moral Compass and be the one who can talk him down when he let's it go to his head but it's still a good story and cant wait to see where you go with it
stylo1 chapter 6 . 7/31
this seems a bit to coincidental, flamel being attacked first by dumbledore and then by a demon.

with flamel harry surely has enough could to take down dumbledore, not that im expecting you to make this happen.
why harry never send a letter to the daily prophet detailing that it is because of dumbledore that he didnt come back to the warlock world is also strange. a man like that doesnt go down in one stroke so you'll keep hitting till there is nothing left.

story is interesting and entertaining enough but it is not all that good, far to much grandstanding with power and far to little sensible action
stylo1 chapter 6 . 7/31
harry is a bit of a one trick pony isnt he, summon wolfs and look for an opening
stylo1 chapter 4 . 7/31
well this was a useless chapter telling us everything we already know in as many words as possible
stylo1 chapter 4 . 7/31
starting a chapter withat the same time far in castle in scotland" is a bad way to open with not to mention it isnt proper english
stylo1 chapter 3 . 7/31
story is loosing a lot of quality mostly in the interactions between ppl.

you got your ass kicked by doni thus this proves this godly spear is perfect for you.

eveything is so over done, oh harry you are so great so powerfull you amazing super 11 year old hunk...
stylo1 chapter 3 . 7/31
i'd have to agree that warlocks are superior then the rest except maybe daoist. fuck gods
ive never seen champione so i dont know the details, but why kings would try and kill eachother instead of teaming up and trying to reach ascension is rather weird
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